Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Hebrew language, 85, 240
of Apocryphal books, 189
in Dead Sea Scrolls, 206
Hebrews, Epistle to, 407
Hebron, 339
Hecataeus, 1, 22, 33, 108, 309
Heliodorus, 241
Hellenism, as pejorative term, 229
Hellenistic culture, 228, 254-55
Hellenistic education, 164
Hellenistic Judaism, 4, 21, 30, 79-80,
Hellenistic rule, 368-73
Hellenization, 328-29, 353, 369, 370-73
Herakleopolis, 361
hermeneutical innovation, 126
Hermippus, 309
Herod Agrippa I.SeeAgrippa I
Herod Agrippa II.SeeAgrippa II
Herod Antipas, 51, 52-53, 78, 346, 348,
Herod Archelaus, 51, 52, 78
Herodias, 53
Herodium, 348
Herodotus, 309
Herod Philip, 51, 52, 53, 54, 78, 338, 348
Herod the Great, 49, 50-51, 52, 60, 78-
79, 116, 296, 307, 337-38, 391
Herrenius Capito, 54
Hesiod, 239, 245
Hexapla (Origen), 130
Hexateuch, 123
hidden books, apocryphal books as,
higher revelation, in apocalyptic litera-
ture, 15
Hiram of Tyre, 309
historical eschatology, 13
Hodayot,17, 91, 136, 146, 225, 433
Holocaust, 1, 391
“Holy Land,” 113
Holy of Holies, 71
Homer, 238, 245, 264
Honi the Circle Drawer, 394
Horace, 374
Hyksos, 22, 309, 369

Hypaepa, 376
Hypothetica(Philo), 237, 260, 279-80,
Hyrcanus I (John Hyrcanus), 31, 35, 47,
48, 80, 81, 82, 86, 327, 328, 329, 332
Hyrcanus II, 47, 49, 77

Iamblichus, 281
Iasos, 376
ideal temple community, 48
idolatry, 109-10
Iliad,124, 127, 264
inscriptions, 346-47, 349, 351
intermarriage, 79, 247
interpretation, 211-13, 225
intertestamental period, 2
Ionia, 380
Irenaeus, 185
Isaac, 270-71
Isaiah, Qumran manuscript of, 134
Isaiah Scroll, Great, 134
Islam, 202
Isodorus, 278
isopoliteia(political autonomy), 61
eschatological restoration of, 404-5
faithfulness of, 245-46
land of, 70-71
Israel Exploration Society, 358
Itabyrion, 348

J (source), 140
Jacob, 270-71
James, 406
Jannaeus, Alexander, 46, 47-48, 49, 50,
77, 81, 82, 329, 332
Jason (high priest), 39, 44
Jeremiah, Qumran manuscript of, 134-
Jerome, 184-85, 187, 308
destruction in 70c.e., 295, 297, 314,
414, 422
destruction because of covenant vio-
lation, 92
excavations of, 325, 349, 350


index of subjects

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