Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Trajan, 63, 64-65, 118, 385, 388
Transjordan plateau, 324
translations, 127-30
Trogus, Pompeius, 374
Turbo, Quintus Marcius, 64
Ty r e , 3 7

Umar, 194
universalism, 247-48

Valerius, Gaius, 388
Varro, 110
vernacular languages, 127
verse-centered interpretations, 172
Vespasian, 57-59, 241, 290, 291, 295-96,
297, 299
Vibius Marsus, 55
Vineyard and Tenants, parable of, 396,
virtue, 301
Visions of Amram,19, 199, 213
Vorlage, 209
Vulgate, 180

Wadi Abu Maradif, 358
Wadi ed-Daliyeh, 323

Wadi Murabba{at, 355, 357, 361
Wadi Seiyal, 357, 358
War Scroll(1QM), 16, 17, 20, 354, 430
weapons, 349
Westminster Confession (1647), 180
West-Syrian Orthodox traditions, 182
wisdom, 165, 173-76, 415, 417
wisdom literature, 3, 12, 88
in Dead Sea Scrolls, 220-21
in Jewish-Greek literature, 236-37
Wisdom of Solomon, 233, 235, 237, 372
Words of Moses, 216

Yavneh (Jamnia), 63, 373
Yehud coins, 36
YoFanan ben Zakkai, 63
Yom Kippur, 108

Zadok (priest), 82
Zadokite priestly tradition, 425
Zealots, 58-59, 359
Zeno, 276
Zenon, 323, 360
Zenon Papyri, 35
Zerubbabel, 77
Zeus, 250
Zoroastrianism, 12


index of subjects

EERDMANS -- Early Judaism (Collins and Harlow) final text
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