Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Figure 13. The Siloam Hoard
of Tyrian and Jewish shekels
from the First Jewish Revolt
(66–70c.e.) originally held
approximately 40 coins, of
which only 12 remain. These
coins provided one of the
first clues for the correct
dating of Jewish shekels
from the First Revolt.
(Israel Museum)

Figure 14. Silver denarius minted by
Vespasian to celebrate suppression of the
Judean revolt. Judea is personified as a
woman seated in mourning beneath a
Roman victory trophy, with IVDAE[A]
written underneath.(Richard Cleave)

Figure 15. The Bar Kokhba
Revolt Hoard (135c.e.), a
sampling of coins in circu-
lation during the period.
The hoard includes Roman
and Bar Kokhba coins that
were themselves struck
over Roman originals.
(Israel Museum)

EERDMANS -- Early Judaism (Collins and Harlow) final photo section
Tuesday, October 09, 2012 1:35:12 PM

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