Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Figure 49. 4Q175 Testimonia
(Photograph by Bruce and Kenneth
Zuckerman, West Semitic Research, in
collaboration with Princeton Theological
Seminary. Courtesy Department of
Antiquities, Jordan)

Figure 50. Phylactery cases from Qumran.
The case to the right (2.2 cm. × 1.2 cm.) is a
single-compartment case and was worn on
the arm.The two cases below (2-3 cm. × 1.2
cm.) contain four compartments and were
worn on the forehead.(Courtesy Israel
Antiquities Authority)

EERDMANS -- Early Judaism (Collins and Harlow) final photo section
Tuesday, October 09, 2012 1:35:29 PM

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