Green Asia Ecocultures, Sustainable Lifestyles, and Ethical Consumption

(Axel Boer) #1


advertising, responses to green messages in
agency of non-humans 52–3
agriculture. See community farming in Hong
Kong; urban farming; natural farming in
Agyeman, J. 144, 145
air-conditioning: history 23–4; increased
usage 21, 22 ; and indoor/outdoor spaces
22; lack of environmental attention given
to 21; science of indoor comfort 23–4;
Singapore 21, 22 ; and social practice
theory 29–33; and societal trends 26–7.
See also thermal comfort
air quality monitoring in China: citizen-
initiated 114–15; citizen/official 119–21;
communication channels 125; Com-
munity Air Monitoring network 126;
community-based 115–16, 119, 126;
complaints system 117; concerns over
air quality 114–15; environmental NGOs
119–25, 126; grassroots monitoring
116–18, 126; Internet-based 118, 121–3,
125; local knowledge and capacity for
115–16; microblogging 118, 121–3;
NGO organized 115; public reporting
117; relationship-building 125
Amin, A. 69
Amine, L.S. 39
Antil, J.H. 38
architecture: and thermal comfort 27–8;
thermal comfort as domain of 24–6, 25
architecture, green 24–6, 25
Asia, focus on, need for 2–3

Bailey, O.G. 147
Barr, M. 5

Barrett, B.F.D. 144
Bawa, G. 28
Beck, U, 11
Berkhout, F. 9
Berlant, L. 131
Berque, A. 161
bird sanctuaries in Singapore 75–6, 78
Brand, U. 2, 7
Broadbent, J. 144
Brundtland Report 37
Bryman, A. 73, 77
Bullard, R.D. 145

Calhoun, C. 11, 12, 99, 101, 104, 107
camera phone practices 130–3; Shibuya:
Underground Streams project 136, 136,
137, 138, 138–9
Cammaerts, B. 147
Carpentier, N. 147
cartographies of Tokyo 129
cause-related marketing 40; India 45–6, 46
celebrity endorsement 41–2
Chakrabarty, D. 46
Chan Chun Kit 174
Changi Airport, Singapore 71, 71–3, 72, 73
Charter, M. 39
China: achievements, environmental 100,
102; awareness of environmental issues
100; capacity to enforce environmen-
tal policies 100; censorship 102–3;
commodification of ‘green’ 107–10;
consumer-oriented television 105; con-
sumption practices 107–10; diversity
as media policy 103–4; economy and
stability as government focus 102;
environmental NGOs 103; event-driven
environmentalism 102; governance,

Bold page numbers indicate figures, italic numbers indicate tables.

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