Mammals of North Africa and the Middle East (Pocket Photo Guides)

(Elliott) #1


ADDAX Addax nasomaculatus

Addax cow – both sexes carry long, spiralled horns

Identification The Addax is a fairly stocky antelope with large,
rounded hoofs. Both sexes carry long, diverging and spiralled horns
(80 cm), and have a mat of coarse, dark brown hair on the forehead.
The overall body colour is smoky-grey, with paler to white rump,
underparts and legs. A distinct white chevron crosses the face
between the eyes.

Size Shoulder height 1 m.
Weight 8 0 –120 k g.

Habitat and Behaviour The Addax is a species of sand dunes and
gravel plains in the Sahel and Sahara. In the past this antelope migrated
in herds numbering hundreds, seeking new plant growth following
rare rain showers. Like most other desert antelopes, Addax graze and
browse, and are independent of drinking water. The average size of a

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