Mammals of North Africa and the Middle East (Pocket Photo Guides)

(Elliott) #1


HYRAXES (Hyracoidea)

Hyraxes are sociable animals that live in small colonies

These small social mammals are related to ungulates; their two upper
incisors grow throughout life (as these teeth do in elephants, for

ROCK HYRAX Procavia capensis

Identification A large amount of controversy surrounds the
taxonomy of the Rock Hyrax in the region – here this one species is
referred to. Rock Hyraxes vary greatly in coat coloration even within
the same population, and this is often the criterion used to claim
species and subspecies status. Hyraxes are small and stout with no
visible tail and short, rounded ears. The coat colour ranges from
greyish-fawn through yellowish-fawn to dark brown; the underparts
are slightly paler. A patch of erectile hair is located in the centre of
the back surrounding a scent gland. The colour of this hair varies
in different areas and populations, but in the region it is usually
yellowish-buff or has a reddish hue; in some populations it is dark
brown to black.

Size Total length 54 cm.
Weight 2.5–4.6 kg.

Habitat and Behaviour This is a species of rocky habitats including
mountains, rocky outcrops, gorge walls and sea cliffs. Rock Hyraxes
are predominantly diurnal, but they also feed during warm moonlit
nights. They spend a great deal of time basking in the sun at the

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