Mammals of North Africa and the Middle East (Pocket Photo Guides)

(Elliott) #1


and black stripes on its cheeks are diagnostic. The Sand Cat and
Pallas’s Cat both have a characteristic barking call.

Size Shoulder height 25–30 cm.
Weight 2–4.5 kg.

Habitat and Behaviour This is a solitary cat of stony alpine desert
and open high-altitude grassland and shrub country. It is especially
prevalent where there are rocky outcrops and scree. It has not
been studied in Iran, but elsewhere it hunts rodents, pikas and also
occasionally birds. It is mainly active around dusk and dawn, but
because some of its most important prey species are active during the
day, this indicates that it must also hunt at this time. When not active
Pallas’s Cats den down in caves, rock crevices and burrows dug by
other species. Most litters are apparently born in spring (April–May),
and comprise 1–8 kittens, each weighing 80 g.

Distribution and Status The species is restricted to northern Iran,
particularly to the north-east, the Alborz ranges and the north-
western provinces of Azarbaijan, where it said to be very rare. It has a
very wide north Asian distribution. Unfortunately, it is heavily hunted
for its pelt and is considered seriously threatened in Iran.

Conservation Areas None known.

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