Mammals of North Africa and the Middle East (Pocket Photo Guides)

(Elliott) #1

but only occur in the far south of Turkey. In Iran this cat is associated
mainly with eastern and central areas, but it has been recorded
throughout the country.

Conservation Areas Tassili N’Ajjer NP, Ahaggar NP (Algeria); Aïr and
Tenere NR (Niger); Fada Archei FR (Chad); Judean Desert NR, North
Arava Valley NR (Israel); Azraq Oasis WR (Jordan); Raydah Escarpment
NR (Saudi Arabia); Dilek Yarimadisi (Turkey); Khosh-Yeilagh WR, Tauran
WR, Sarani PA, Dasht-e Arjan PA (Iran).

SERVAL Leptailurus serval

Identification The Serval is similar to and often mistaken for the
Cheetah and even Leopard, but it is much smaller than either species
and has a short, black-ringed tail and large ears. The body is usually
yellowish-fawn and there are numerous black spots across the body
and on the legs.

Size Shoulder height 60 cm.

Weight 8–13 kg.

Habitat and Behaviour In its very limited North African range, the
Serval frequents humid scrub and mixed woodlands. It is active during
both the day and night, hunting singly, in pairs or in small family
parties. Rodents make up the bulk of its diet. There are usually 1–3
kittens to a litter, which are dropped after a gestation of about 73
days, with each kitten weighing 200 g. Almost nothing is known about
this cat within the region.

Distribution and Status The Serval is widespread and sometimes
common in sub-Saharan Africa, but in the north it has a very limited
distribution. Relict populations in the northern Atlas ranges of
Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia are endangered and may be extinct.

Conservation Areas None known.

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