Mammals of North Africa and the Middle East (Pocket Photo Guides)

(Elliott) #1



RED FOX Vulpes vulpes

Identification This is the largest true fox in North Africa and the
Middle East. It has a long, white-tipped, bushy tail. The ears are
large, dark on the outer surfaces and white on the inner sides. The
coat colour is greyish-russet to yellowish-grey, with a darker dorsal
band running from the tail base to the head. The underparts are
usually paler than the upperparts. The lips, chin and throat are pale to
white. Seven subspecies occur within the region; all should be readily
recognizable as the Red Fox.

Size Shoulder height 30 cm.

Weight 4–10 kg.

Habitat and Behaviour The Red Fox avoids true sand desert and high
mountain ranges, but otherwise occupies a wide variety of habitats.
It is usually common wherever it occurs, and can often be found
close to human habitation and agricultural land. Its wide range and
abundance is to a large measure due to its extremely varied diet. It
takes both animal and plant foods, readily scavenges, and raids rubbish
dumps and dustbins. In areas where there are date plantations, it
eats the fallen fruits of the palms. Red Foxes dig burrows or modify
those excavated by other species. A mated pair usually establishes
and defends a territory, which it may share with its non-breeding
offspring. Most activity takes place at night, but Red Foxes also forage
during the cooler daylight hours. Three to twelve pups, each weighing
50–150 g at birth, are dropped after a gestation of 51 days.

Distribution and Status The Red Fox is present throughout the Atlas
ranges and their fringes, along to the Egyptian coast and Nile Delta,
and down the Nile River into central Sudan. It occurs some distance

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