Mammals of North Africa and the Middle East (Pocket Photo Guides)

(Elliott) #1


HAMADRYAS BABOON Papio hamadryas

Identification The Hamadryas Baboon is also called the Sacred
Baboon because of its religious significance to the ancient Egyptians.
Males can be as much as twice as large as females. Adult males have
well-developed, silvery-grey capes extending down the back and on to
the shoulders and chest. The hair on the sides of the head is also long.
Females are browner and lack the cape. The facial and buttock skin is
reddish-pink. Hamadryas Baboons have long, dog-like snouts.

Size Shoulder height 40–60 cm.
Weight 10 –20 kg.

Habitat and Behaviour These baboons occupy areas of arid and rocky
hill country, but rarely at great altitude. Seeds, roots and bulbs make
up a large part of their diet. In the vicinity of towns and cities in their
Arabian range they regularly scavenge at rubbish dumps. Hamadryas
Baboons live in a hierarchial group system (harem), with a single male

Male Hamadryas Baboon (right) is larger than female

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