Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1
Index 471

Baab, 403
Baan Phraan Muan, 400, 401,
Babur, 161, 169, 222, 227, 447
Baburnama, The, 222
Bacterial load, in Ganges, 23
Bactria, 83
Badung, 385
Baektu, Mt., 348
Bahadur, Tegh (Guru), 228,
Bahadur Shah (Zafar) II,
Emperor, 171, 451, 452
Baha’is, 193
Bakumatsu, 466
Bali, 8, 7, 23, 25, 50, 372, 377,
381, 413
anthropological studies in,
425–429, 439
cockfighting in, 429–430
Indianized culture of,
mass suicide in, 423,
ritual and agriculture in,
Balinese Character: A Photo-
graphic Analysis (Bateson
and Mead), 425,
Baluchistan, Dravidian speak-
ers in, 153–154
Bamboo Annals, 246
Banana Garden Poetry Soci-
ety, 294
Banares (Banaras), opium
trade, 453
Banda Island, 447
Bando Minosuke, 329(illus.)
Bangkok, 319, 395, 398
Bangladesh, 143, 145, 146n1,
172, 193, 227
Ban Na Di, 380
Barbarians, 91, 93, 107, 301
China’s views of, 118, 244,
262, 275–276
Barnes, Gina, 347
Barney-Smalley system, 121
Barong, 428
Batavia, 447

Bateson, Gregory, 423, 425
of Kurukshetra, 388
of Plassey, 449
Battuta, Ibn, 94
Batur, Lake, 25, 33
Batur, Mt., eruption of, 25
Bears, in Korean culture, 348
Bear-woman, 348
Becker, J. L., 57
Beckwith, Christopher I., 86
Beijing (Peking), 13, 20, 57,
99, 251
Bells, bronze, 304
Bellwood, Peter, 379
Bengal, famine in, 449–450
Bengal, Diwani of, 172
Bengal, Bay of, 22
Bengal Delta, 21
Bengali language, 46, 159
Bengalis, 144, 391
Berawan, 413
mortuary rites in, 419–421
Berry, Mary Elizabeth, 331
Bhagavad-Gita (Song of God),
163, 175
Bhakti devotionalism, 205–207
Bharat, 143
Bharata, King, 143
Bharatiya Janata Party, 179
Bhishma, 163
Bhumihars, 177, 178
Bhumibol, King, 382
mortuary rituals for,
Bumiputera, 110, 111
Bhutan, 143, 145, 193, 209
Bidayuh (Land Dayaks), 417
“Big Sisters” of Asia. See
China; India
Bihar, 187, 209(illus.), 453
British East India Com-
pany in, 172, 449
Buddha in, 207, 211
village caste system in,
Biogeographical regions, Wal-
lace’s Line and, 23
Bitcoin, Silk Road, 86
Black Hole of Calcutta, 449

Black hurricanes, 17, 19
Blue Hmong (Hmong Njua),
120, 121
Board of Customs, Salt, and
Opium (India), 454
Boat people, identity of, 114
Bodh Gaya, 207, 208–209
Bodhidharma (Daruma), 271,
Bodhisattvas, 214, 372
in China, 270–271,
in Japan, 315, 317–318, 336
in Korea, 351, 357–358
Bodhisena, 318
Bodhi tree (Tree of Enlighten-
ment), 208, 209(illus.),
Bohai Sea, 20
Bokhara, 18
Boling, 263
Bombay, British East India
Company in, 171, 448
Books, palm leaf, 60–61,
Borneo, 23, 50, 371, 413
British colonialism on,
ethnographic research in,
head-hunting in, 418–419
mortuary rituals in,
Brahman (god, Brahma,
Paratma), 194–195, 197
Brahmanas, 149
Brahmanism, 167, 168, 173,
Brahmans (caste), 7, 41, 42,
164, 167, 173, 174, 177,
180, 185(illus.),
199(illus.), 207, 384
as clean/pure, 198, 200
Brahmans (varna), 160
Brahmaputra River, 21, 54,
Brahmi script, 58, 65–67,
188n1, 383
Brahmacharya, 201
Brideprice, Hmong, 132
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