Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

472 Index

Brief Explanation of the Vow
Made at White Flower
Enlightenment Site, 357
Britain. See Great Britain
British Colonial Period
(India), 157
British Empire, 415, 435, 444,
and Burma, 122–123, 462,
and India, 143, 171–172,
223, 225, 229, 448–452
opium trade, 123, 456–457
Orientalism, 439–441
and Southeast Asia, 371,
435, 458–461
British Indian Army, Sikhs in,
British Museum, 62, 64
Bronze work, 95(illus.), 235,
304, 380
Shang dynasty, 248–249
Bronze Age, 149
Brooke, Charles (White Raja),
415, 461
Brooke, James, 415, 460
Brooke, Vyner, 461
Brooke family, 415
Brunei, 377, 415
Buchanan, Francis, 113, 207
Budai (Pu-tai; Hemp Sack), 271
Buddha, 6, 46, 88, 164, 193,
197, 207, 209, 211, 215,
bodhisattvas of, 336, 351,
355, 357–358
depictions of, 151, 216,
268(illus.), 271,
273(illus.), 315,
357–358, 372
history of, 149–150
life of, 209–213, 231n1
relics of, 61, 165
and Vishnu, 168, 208
Buddhahood, achieving, 215,
271, 337
Buddhism, Buddhists, 4, 6, 21,
45, 59, 167, 193, 198,
215(map), 263, 275, 389

anti-intellectual, 271–272
Ashoka’s propagation of,
in China, 5, 87–88, 236,
267–273, 274
in East Asia, 235–236
female monks, 407–408
four periods of, 213–216
in India, 149–150, 151,
169, 207–209
in Japan, 45, 299, 314–318,
in Korea, 347, 349, 350,
Mahayana, 90–91
sacred texts and, 60–61
and Silk Road, 78, 90
in Southeast Asia, 166, 372
in Thailand, 375(illus.),
389, 394
Thai popular religion and,
Three Jewels of, 209–213
Tibetan, 98, 102–103
Buddhist Dark Age, 317
Buffalo horns, in divination,
Bug Festival (musi-okuri) festi-
val, 306
Bugis, 371
Bun, 403
Bunbangfai, 402
Bun Kathin, 401
Bun Khaw Saak, 401
Bun Phraawes, 401, 402
in China, 8, 264–267
Chinese Communist Party,
Choson Dynasty, 359–360
Confucian elites, 264–267
in Korea, 359–360
Bureau of Standard Sounds
(Korea), 72
Burial practices, burials, 92,
93, 235, 317, 372
Hmong, 127, 128–131
Japanese imperial,
jars used in, 381–382

Burkhan Khaldun, as sacred
area, 97–98
Burma (Myanmar), 27, 48, 49,
54, 108, 117, 126, 143,
209, 372, 377, 380,
British colonization of,
371, 465
script in, 64, 66
terraced farming in,
Burmese, 109
Burmese language, 57
Burqa, 182
Bush, George H. W., 311
Bushido, 328, 334, 340
Byron, Lord, 26
Byzantine Empire, 86

Cakravartin, 213, 214
Cakri dynasty, 388, 398, 399
Calcutta, 145, 191(illus.), 226,
449, 454
British East India Com-
pany, 171, 448, 339
Calendar, Bali ritual, 33
Calicut, 415, 442, 443
Camels, 78, 81(illus.)
Cambodia, 108, 116, 371, 372,
377, 380
colonialism in, 464–466
Cambodians, 109
Canada, Hmong in, 116
Canals, in China, 20–21
Cannons, Mongol invention
of, 97
Canons, Buddhist, 61, 269,
394, 404
Canton, 415, 453, 454, 455,
Cantonese Chinese, 55
Canterbury Tales, The (Chau-
cer), 96
Cao Wei dynasty, 355
Capital, family, 277
Capitalism, in China, 245
Caravans, 18, 78, 90, 97, 389
Carlitz, Katherine, “Desire,
Danger, and the Body,”
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