Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

474 Index

tribal peoples in, 108, 115
twentieth-century families
in, 284–285, 288
unification of, 261–263
Vietnam and, 371, 377, 463
warfare in, 274–275
and Xinjiang, 100–102
Zhou dynasty in, 250–254
“China’s Main Street”
(Yangzi), 20
“China’s Sorrow,” Huanghe
as, 19
Chinese, 34
Buddhist Pilgrimages,
on Malay Peninsula,
458–459, 460
multiethnicity of, 54–55
in Southeast Asia, 371,
389–391, 415
Chinese Canon, 394
Chinese Communist Party
(CCP), 286, 287
bureaucratic control by,
Chinese language, 45, 48, 243,
313, 361
compared with Tibeto-Bur-
man, 51–52
dialects, 55–57
tonality of, 52–53
written, 41, 58, 68–71, 262,
Chinese Ministry of Educa-
tion, 286
Chineseness, 36
Chinghai (Qinghai) moun-
tains, 19
Chingneng, 135
Chinnamasta, 168
Chinoiserie, 445
Chittagong, 462
Chittagong Hills, ethnic
groups in, 113
Choe Jeu, 363
Chohar, 462
Cholera, and Ganges River, 23
Chonin, 468
Choshu, 467
Choson dynasty, 352

Korean writing in, 361–362
Neo-Confucianism in,
Tonghak Movement in,
Choukoutien. See Zhouk-
Christianity, Christians, 45,
92, 98, 193, 197
in Japan, 444–445
in Korea, 350, 362–363
in Vietnam, 445–446, 463,
Chulalongkorn, King (Rama
V), 465–466
Cities, 320
Civil service system
in China, 264, 286
in Korea, 359
Civilizations, 4, 6, 109
vs. barbarism, 93, 94
Chinese, 5, 67, 114–115,
and early states, 151–153
East Asian, 235–237
Indus Valley, 153–157
Civilizing project, Chinese,
Clairmont, Claire, 26
Chinese, 263
Hmong, 127–128, 131
Japanese, 303–304, 319,
Classical age, in Japan, 314
Classics, Confucian, 263, 266,
274, 275, 282–283, 315,
359, 360, 446
Class system, classes
Choson Korea, 360
colonialism and, 441
in Communist China, 285
in Zhou dynasty, 253–254
Clean castes, 198–200
Climate, 15, 157
and rice cultivation, 27–28
Climate change, and language
dispersal, 48
Clive, Robert, 171–172, 448,

Cloth trade, 447, 450
Cochinchina, 464
Cockfighting, 372, 429–430
Code of the Samurai (Daidoji
Yuzan), 326, 331, 333,
Coen, Jan, 447
Cold War, 345, 366
Collectivization, in China,
Colonialism, colonization,
in Burma, 461–462
Dutch, 423
ethnicity in, 112–114
French, 115–116, 464–465
in Japan, 360
in Korea, 365–366
and Orientalism, 440–441
Portuguese, 443–446
in South Asia, 143, 144
in Southeast Asia, 371,
423, 458–461
and tribal identity, 113
in Vietnam, 463–464
Comfort women, 237
Committee for Research in
Dementia Praecox, 425
Commoners, in China, 265,
Communism, 116, 245
Communist governments, and
minorities, 117
Communist period, in China,
253–254, 284–285
Concubines, concubinage
(China), 277, 285, 290
Confucian Capitalists, 391
Confucianism, 4, 7, 118, 245,
275, 280, 286
and Buddhism, 269, 272,
274, 358
Chinese elite and, 263–267
in East Asia, 235–236, 237,
kinship and gender rela-
tions, 276–277
in Korea, 347, 349, 350,
women and, 288–294
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