Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1
Index 475

Confucius (Kong Fuzi, Kong-
fuzi, Kongri), 6, 243, 244,
245, 251
life of, 254, 255
philosophy of, 256–260
Confucius Institute, 286
Congress Party (India), 144,
in China, 13, 274–275
Khmer, 388
Manchu, 13, 274
Mongol, 96–97
Constable, John, 26
Constitutions, Japanese, 311,
318, 468
Continents, movement of, 15
Conversions, 193
to Buddhism, 214
to Christianity, 444–445
to Han Chinese, 244
to Islam, 392, 393
to Sikhism, 228, 230
Copper mining, Shang
dynasty, 249
Coromandel coast, 442
Corporate lineages, Confu-
cian, 280
Corporations, Japanese and
Korean, 238
Cosmic Sacrifice myth,
of Angkor Wat, 387–388
Forbidden City, 251
Hindu, 384
Courting ball game, Hmong,
Courts, court centers, 6
in Angkor, 387
Bali, 7, 385
Cambodian, 465
Chinese, 86, 118
Heian, 320–325
Indian, 152, 194
Japanese, 305, 314, 318,
320, 467
Korean, 309, 358
Mughal, 169
Southeast Asian, 108, 110

Creation myths
Karma in, 195
from Rig Veda, 173–174
Cremation, 285, 396
Crops, 28
Crown Colonies
India as, 172
Straits Settlements as, 458
Cui clan, 263
Cultivation. See Agriculture;
Rice cultivation/produc-
kami, 303
Maitreya, 355, 356–357
Thai spirit, 400–404
Cultural Revolution (Great
Proletarian Cultural Rev-
olution), 274, 286
archaeological meaning of,
borrowing, 6
interconnections of, 77
language and, 41
spheres of, 7–8
Culture and personality stud-
ies, in Bali, 425–429

Daan, 201
Daibutsu (Great Buddha), 318
Daidoji Yuzan, Code of the Sam-
urai, 331, 333, 334–335
Daijosai, 312–313
Daimyo, 326
Europeans and, 444–445
Meiji Era, 466, 467–468
samurai, 328, 329
Dainichi, 336
Dai peoples, 390
Dalai Lama, 102
Dalits, 179, 180
Dan (boat people), 114
Dancers, foot binding and,
292, 293
Balinese trance, 425,
427(illus.), 428
in Korean shamanistic ritu-
als, 352

Dangun (Tangun), 348,
Dao, 256, 317
Dao’an, 269
Daodejing (Tao Te-Ching),
254, 256–257
Daoism, 271
and Zen, 338–339
Dasaratha Jataka, 398
Darshan, 205
Dasyus, 160, 163
Dawenkou, 235
Dayaks, 8, 371, 413, 460
longhouses, 417–418
Death(s), 202
in Borneo, 418–421
dowry, 186, 187
emotional response to,
in Upanishads, 194–195
Decollectivization, in China,
“Deep Play: Notes on the
Balinese Cockfight”
(Geertz), 429–430
Deer Park, Buddha and, 211
Deities, 202
Aryan, 159
Balinese, 25, 33
Chinese, 68, 252, 270–271
Ganges as, 21
Hindu, 168, 205,
206(illus.), 207
incarnations of, 161
in India, 182, 188
Indus Valley Civilization,
155(illus.), 156
Japanese, 299, 300, 303,
Korean, 348
in Ramayana, 161–162
Shinto, 317–318
Upanishadic thought and,
Delhi, 203(illus.), 226, 447
sepoy rebellion in, 451, 452
Delhi Sultanate, 78, 169, 202
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ),
345(illus.), 367
Democracy, in India, 8
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