Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

478 Index

Franciscans, in Japan, 444,
Frankenstein (Shelley), 26
Franklin, Benjamin, 25
Freedman, Maurice, 280
Freeman, Derek, 417
in Cambodia, 464–465
in India, 448–449
French language, loanwords
from, 45
Fu Hao, Lady, 248
Fuji, Mount, 27
Fujian, lineages in, 285
Fujiwara family, 320, 322, 327
Fujiwara Fusasaki, 317
Fujiwara Michinaga, 318, 327
Fujiwara period, 320
Fukien Province, 125
Funan, 384–385
Funeral rites
head-hunting and,
418–419, 421
Hindu, 186, 199(illus.)
in Japan, 317

Gama, Vasco da, 443
Gandagi, 23
Gandhara, 214–215, 216
Gandhi, Indira, assassination
of, 230
Gandhi, Mohandas K.
(Mahatma), 144, 145,
162, 172
Ganesh, 205, 271
Ganga Ma (Mother Ganges),
21, 22
Ganges River system, 13,
36n1, 83, 202, 448
health of, 22–23
as sacred, 21–22
Vedic kingdoms in, 149,
Gan Chinese, 55
Gansu (Kansu) corridor, 15
Gansu Province, 91(illus.)
Garbhagriha (womb room),
202, 204
Gardens, Zen, 340–341
Gauri, 168

Gautama, Siddhartha, 164,
198, 210, 271, 316
Geddes, William, on Hmong,
115, 121, 127, 132
Geertz, Clifford, 7, 383
“Deep Play: Notes on the
Balinese Cockfight,”
Islam Observed, 392
Gender roles
in Central Asian cultures,
Chinese, 276–277, 288–289
in Southeast Asian cul-
tures, 372
Chinese lineages/clans,
263, 282, 283
and marriage partners, 41
samurai, 330
Genghis Khan (Chinggis
Khan/Qa’an; Temujin),
79, 96, 99–100, 169, 222,
275, 390, 447
sacred territory of, 97–98
Gensho, Empress, 305
Gentry, Chinese, 263–267,
277, 279, 282
Geography, 5, 13, 14(map)
landforms, 13, 15, 17–19
rivers, 19–23
volcanoes and, 23–27
Geomancy (fengshui), 320
Geopolitics, 7
Germany, Hmong in, 116
Ghazipur, 453
Ghori, Mohammad, 169
Gia Long, 464
Giao Chi, 383, 463
in Angkor, 386
Hmong, 130, 133, 134
Indian religious, 201, 205
kami festivals, 306
Queen Himiko’s, 301, 302
to sanyas, 201
to Thai monks, 404–405,
406, 407
Gilday, Edmund T., 306
Glacial periods, 23

Goa, 415, 443–444
Goats, 78
Gobi Desert, 15, 17, 18
Goddess of the Lake (Dewi
Danu), 25, 33–34
God-kings, 6, 377, 396
God of the Soil, 252
Gods and goddesses. See Dei-
Gojong, Emperor, 365
Gold, Indian trade in, 383, 384
Golden Hall (Grand Shrine of
Ise), 316
Golden Horde, 99
Golden lotuses. See Foot bind-
Golden Pagoda (Rangoon),
Golden Temple (India), 228
government raid on,
Golden Triangle, 126
Gonds, 180
Goto Museum, 325
Confucius on, 238, 255
Kautilya’s description of,
Government of India, 454,
Government of India Act,
Graben, Gobi Desert as, 15,
Grain cultivation, 49
Grand Canal, 20–21
Grand Historian. See Sima
Grand Palace (Bangkok), 395
Grand Shrine of Ise, 303, 309,
310(illus.), 317
Grand Trunk Road, 165
in Brahmi scripts, 66(illus.)
in Indus Valley Civilization
script, 154–156
kanji, 72
Graves, gravesites
Dawenkou, 235
He lineage, 284
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