Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

480 Index

Hinayana Buddhism,
217(illus.), 219
Hind, 197
Hind, al-, 143
Hindi language, 41, 46, 159,
Hindu-Buddhist worldview,
Hindus, Hinduism, 6, 13, 21,
45, 144, 168, 172, 182,
193, 208, 227, 391
in Bali, 385–386
bhakti devotion in, 205–207
clean and unclean castes
in, 198–200
Ganges and, 22, 36n1
gods and goddesses of,
life stages in, 201–202
and Muharram, 224–225
in South Asia, 144, 193,
in Southeast Asia, 372, 391
temples, 204(illus.), 205
Hindustan, 143
Hiragana, 72
Hirohito, Emperor, 309, 311
Hiroshima Prefecture, 306
Hitachi Fudoki, 304–305
Hittites, 159
Hmong, 53, 77
in China, 117–120
clans origin myth of,
historical movement of,
kin relations in, 126–128
mortuary rituals of, 128–131
opium cultivation and use
by, 123–125
relationship with spirits of,
swidden cultivation of,
in Thailand, 120–121
women, 131–133
Hoabinhian culture, 380
Hogen, 330
Hojo Tokiyori, 336
Hokkaido, 302

Holland, 371
Holidays, Korean, 360
Homo erectus, 34–35, 36
Homo sapiens
dispersal of, 48–49
evolution of, 35–36
Hong Kong, 243, 284, 457
end of colonialism in, 435,
Hong Kong New Territories,
Hongs, 454, 455
Honolulu, and Krakatau tsu-
nami, 24
Honor system, samurai. See
Honshu, 299, 302
Hooghly, 448
Hoppo, 454, 455
Hormuz, 441
Horses, 83, 86, 87, 159
Horyuji Temple, 310(illus.),
Hose, Charles, 413, 415, 418
Chinese, 278–279
Hmong, 127
Indian, 182, 185–186
Japanese, 326
Hsieh (Xie), 19, 20
Hsinbuyushin, 461
Hsiung-nu (Xiongnu), 17–18
Huangdi, 261
Huanghe (Yellow) River and
region, 29
Chinese speakers in, 54–55
dikes and floods on, 19–20,
Hue, 464
Nguyen dynasty in,
445–446, 463
Humans, 23
origins of, 35–36, 37n4
Hunan, foot binding in,
Hungary, Mongols in, 79
Hunting, Hmong, 116
Huntington, Peter, 397
Husain (Husayn), martyrdom
of, 220, 221, 224

Hwan-in (Lord of Heaven), 348
Hwarang (flower boys),
Hwan-ung, 348
Hyderabad, 226
Hydraulic engineering
Bali, 33–34
Grand Canal, 20–21
Huanghe River dikes, 19–20
Hypergamy, 181

Iban (Sea Dayaks), 8, 371, 417
Iconography, Buddhist, 206,
214, 216–219
Identity, 41, 173, 371
in China, 114–115, 289, 290
colonial administration
and, 112–114
ethnic, 111–112
Hmong, 117
Korean national and cul-
tural, 345, 364
Muslim, 391
privilege and, 110
Sikh, 230
Ifugao, 8
Ikh Khorig, 98
Ilkhanate dynasty, 99
Ilongot, 8, 413, 422, 423
Imperial Palace (Beijing), cos-
mology of, 251
Imperialism, Western, 363
of Hindu deities, 168
Ramayana, 161
of Shinto deities, 317–318
Inchon (Taifeng), 301
Indian, 172, 226–227
of South Asia, 143–144
Independence Hall (South
Korea), 3 64
Independence movements,
India, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 28,
41, 57, 59, 77, 79, 132,
143, 145, 193, 271, 447
Brahmi script in, 65, 66
British in, 171–172,
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