Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1
Index 483

Rama and, 161–163
Shang dynasty, 249–250
temple building, 202
Thai death rituals for,
Kinship, 372, 386
in China, 252, 276–277,
280, 284
Hmong, 126–128
Kira, 328
Kishan Garhi, 177
Koan, 338
Kofun (Old Tombs) Period,
301, 302, 304
Koguryo, 236–237
Koguryo (Goguryeo) king-
dom, 353–355
Koguryo Tombs, 355
Koh-i-Noor diamond, 230
Kojiki (Japanese chronicle),
301, 303, 317, 348
Koli, 179
Komyo, Empress, 317
Kong family, 274
graveyard of, 255(illus.), 286
Kong Shangren, 274
Konjaku Monogatari, 330
Kono-mama, 339
Korea, 28, 215, 235, 344,
Choson dynasty, 359–362
and Japan, 303, 309, 314,
315, 364–365
as Japanese colony,
Koguryo and, 236–237
Koryo dynasty, 357–359
origin myths, 347–348
shamanism, 348–353
Three Kingdoms Period,
Tonghak Movement in,
Korean language, 48
written, 71, 72–73, 361–362
Korean War, 366, 36(illus.)
Koryo dynasty, 348
Buddhism and, 357–358
and Yuan Dynasty,

Kosala, 149, 159, 160
Koshala, 211
Kotodama (word-mana), 58
Kovind, Ram Nath, 179
Kowtow, 454
Koya, Mt., 336
Krakatau (Krakatoa), eruption
of, 23–24
Krishna, 162(illus.), 163, 168,
175, 197, 205, 207
Kshatriyas (varna), 160, 167,
173, 174, 180, 227
Kuala Lumpur, 391, 415,
Kublai Khan, 48, 79, 98,
99–100, 102, 275, 390
conquests of, 96–97
Marco Polo and, 88, 90
Kubrick, Stanley, 2001: A Space
Odyssey, 92
Kuching, 411(illus.)
Kukai (monk), 336
Kumarajiva, 268–269
Kumbapettai, 177
Kumhar caste, 176
Kung-fu monks, 273
Kunming Province, 102
Kung Tsui-chang, 255
Kuru, 149, 159, 160
Kuruba, 177
Kurukshetra, battle of, 388
Kushinagar, 209
Kyoto, 297(illus.), 299, 320,
328, 329, 341, 467
Kyrgyzstan, 78, 83
Kyunyo, 357, 358
Kwan’um, 351
Kyushu, 299, 302, 347

Labor, 178, 399, 388, 460
cultivation systems,
state needs for, 108–9
“Lady with Fan” (Ju Qing),
Lahu peoples, 120
Lakshman, 161
Lakshmi, 182, 205
La Loubere, Simon, 408
Lamaism, 103

Land, 122, 177, 299
He lineage, 281–282
ownership of, 177, 276–277,
365, 450, 451
Land Dayaks (Bidayuh), 417
Land reforms, 319, 365
Langlois, John D., Jr., 275
Language(s), 8, 41, 45, 241
and identity, 111–112
spread of, 47–48
Language families, 5
Austroasiatic, 48, 49
Austronesian, 48
Austro-Tai, 49–51
dispersal of, 47–48
Indo-European as, 5,
Sino-Tibetan, 5, 51–57
Lanka, 394
Lansing, J. Stephen, 384
on Balinese agriculture,
Lao (language), 42, 48
Lao (people), 49, 53, 116
Laos, 42, 48, 108, 118, 126,
372, 377, 398, 461
France and, 371, 465
Hmong in, 115–116, 117,
Plain of Jars in, 381
Laozi (Lao Tsu), 254
philosophy of, 256–260
Lapita culture, 381
Latin, 5, 45, 55
Laughing Buddha, 271
in foreign enclaves, 458,
Qin Shihuang’s codifica-
tion of, 262
Sharia, 221, 225, 392
shogunate, 328
Law of avoidance, 264
Law on Regional Autonomy
for Minority Nationalities
(China), 110
Leach, Edmund, 115, 122
Learning, 97, 321, 445
Le Coq, von, on Taklamakan,
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