Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

484 Index

“Legend of King Ashoka”
(Ashokavadana) 213–214
Lelang commandery, 347
Lhasa, 102, 103(illus.)
Li (righteousness; ritual),
258–259, 269
Liangshu (History of the
Liang Dynasty), 385
Library, at Caves of the Thou-
sand Buddhas, 62–64
Li Chi (Book of Rites), 242,
Li clan, 127
Life cycles, in Thai Buddhism,
Lightfoot, Francis, 458
Li-jien (Liqian), 18
Lineages, in China, 280–284,
Linen, in book making, 61
Lingams, Shiva’s, 384, 386
Linguistic diversity, 5, 48
Linguistic nationalism, in
India, 57, 172
Linguistics. See Language
families; Language(s)
Lin Zexu, on opium trade,
Liqian (Li-jien), 18
Li Si, 263
in China, 118, 242
in Japan, 72
in Korea, 361
Liugeng tang, 282
Liu Hsia, 302
Liu Zhiwei, 280
Loanwords, 45, 72
Loess, and Huanghe River, 19
Logographs, 73n2
in Chinese language, 68–71
Longhouses, Dayak, 417–418
Long Teru, 419, 421
Long Thanh, jar burials in,
Lotus Sutra, 64, 271, 315, 317,
Low, Hugh, 460
Loyalty, in samurai culture,

Lu (Shandong Province), 347
Confucius in, 254, 255
Lu, Duke of, 255
Luan (social chaos), 244
Lucknow, Shia Islam in, 223,
Lumbini, 209
Luoyang, 252, 254, 267, 301
Buddhist images at, 268,
268(illus.), 273(illus.)
Luzon, 413
Lyfoung, Touby, 126

Macao, 444, 455, 456
MacArthur, Douglas, 311, 366
Macartney, George, 454
Ma clan, 127
Madagascar, 442
Madhopur, 177
Madhyamaka philosophy, 269
Madras, 171, 226, 415, 448
Maechi, 407–8
Magadha (Bihar), 164
Mahabharata, 159, 160,
162–163, 171, 197, 202,
Mahabodhi Temple, 208
Maha devis, 197
Mahameru (Kailash), Mt., 25
Mahamuni Buddha, 462
Mahavihara monastery, 394
Mahayana Buddhism, 90–91,
92, 198, 214–216, 219,
270, 357
iconography, 217(illus.),
Mahdi, 222, 223
Mahmud of Ghazni, 169
Maitreya (Bodhisattva), 214,
271, 272, 273
in Korea, 355, 356–357,
Majapahit, 390
Majjhima-nikaya, 211
Malabar Coast, trading ports
on, 442, 443–444
Malacca (Malaka), 415, 441,
as Islamic trading center,
391, 458

Malacca, Strait of, trade
through, 441–442
Malacca, Sultanate of, 458
Malaya, 417
rubber production in,
Malayalam script, 60(illus.)
Malayo-Polynesian lan-
guages/people, 50–51
Malay Peninsula, 371, 380,
390, 458
Malays, 111, 371, 417, 458,
Malaysia, 8, 27, 109, 110, 111,
371, 377, 380, 394, 415
Maldives, 143, 145, 193
Manchester, textile trade, 450
Manchuria, 28, 125
Manchurian language, 48
Manchurians, 355
Manchus, 94
in China, 275, 290
conquest by, 13, 274
and Tibet, 102–103
Mandala, state as, 383
Mandarin Chinese, 55, 57,
Mandate of Heaven (tian-
ming), 6
in China, 244, 250–251
Mongol rulers, 275
Mani, 92
Manichaeism, 91, 92
Manikarnika Ghat, 202
Manila, 415, 445
Manila galleons, 445
Manipur, 461, 462
Mann, Susan, 294
Mansin, rituals performed by,
Manu, Ashramadharma, 201
at Caves of the Thousand
Buddhas, 62–64
palm-leaf, 60–61
Man yoshu, 308
Mao Zedong (Tse-tung), 245,
Mapping, of Himalayas, 18
Mappo, 317, 336
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