Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

488 Index

Owen, Stephen, 266
Oxen, at Hmong funeral
feasts, 130

Pacific Ocean, 27
Pacific Rim, 27
Padi, paddy cultivation. See
Wet-rice cultivation
Padi states, labor in, 108–109
Paekche (Baekche) kingdom,
303, 314, 347, 354, 355,
Pagan (Burma), 390, 394
Pagodas, 91(illus.), 203
Pahang, 460
Pahansu, 177
Chinese women, 294
Zen, 340
Pakistan, 145, 146n1, 150,
193, 227, 229
independence, 143–144,
Indus Valley Civilization
in, 153–157
Pakistanis, 145
Palaces, in Southeast Asia,
Pali Canon, 394, 404
Pali language, 46, 408n1
Palm-leaf, palmyra-leaf manu-
scripts, 60–61
Pancala, 149, 159
Panch sila, 404
Pandaripuk, 207
Pandavas, 160
Panj pyare, 228(illus.)
Pankhos, 113
Panmunjom, 345(illus.)
Panth, 227
Paper, manufacturing of, 61
Paper money, Kublai Khan,
Papua New Guinea, 114
Parameshvara (Megat Iskan-
der Shah), 391
Parda (purdah), 179
Parinirvana, 209, 211, 214,
Paris, Matthew, 96

Parsis, 92, 193
Partition of India, 144, 193,
Parvati (Sati), 188, 206
Pasamliem, 121
Pastoralism, 78
Pataliputra (Patna), 160, 164,
166, 167, 453
Patel, Hardik, 180–181
Pathet Lao (Red Laotians), 116
Patidars (Patels), Backward
Status for, 179, 180–181
Patimokkha, 404
Patriarchy, patrilineality
Chinese, 276–277, 288, 289
Hmong, 127
Indian, 181–182
Korean, 353
Patten, Chris, 435
Pavarana, 401
Pearl River delta area
family lineages in, 280–281,
He lineage in, 281–283
in Angkor, 386
in British India, 451
in China, 55, 266, 275,
277, 293
in feudal Japan, 326
in Japan, 299, 336
in Southeast Asia, 382
Tonghak Movement, 363
in Vietnam, 463
Peking. See Beijing
Peking Man (Homo erectus),
34–35, 36
Penang, 458
People of Alor, The (DuBois),
People’s Republic of China
(PRC), 119, 236, 237,
243, 266, 273, 276, 286,
and North Korea, 366–367
Tibet and, 85, 103, 104
written language reforms
in, 70–71
Xinjiang and, 100–102
Perak, 460

Period of Independence
(India), 157
Permanent Settlement (1793),
Perry, Oliver Hazard, 466, 467
Persia, Persian Empire, 13, 18,
92, 143, 222
Mongols in, 79, 99
Phagpa, 79
Pharmacology, Chinese, 34
Phaulkon, 462
Phii, 402, 404
Philip II (Spain), 445
Philippines, 8, 27, 50, 303,
371, 377, 381, 445
head-hunting in, 422–423
Philosophy, 238, 321
of Confucius and Laozi,
Phnom Penh, 400
Bateson’s, 425,
Haddon’s, 415–416
Phra Cakri, 398
Phra Lak/Phra Lam, 398
Phra Uppakrut, 401, 402
Phya Eng, 131
PIE. See Proto-Indo-Euro-
pean languages
Pigneau, Bishop, 464
Pilgrimages, pilgrims, 21, 90
to Angkor, 387
Buddhist, 203, 208–209,
Faxian’s, 207–208, 268
He lineage, 284
to Mt. Kailash, 21, 36n1
Ramayana, 161
Piltdown Man, 34
Pinyin system, 71, 243
Pirates, piracy, 417, 446
Pitt, William, 450
Piyadassi, King, 165
Places in Between, The (Stew-
art), 84–85
Plain of Jars, 381(illus.)
Plantation system, in British
India, 450–451
Plassey, Battle of, 449
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