Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

490 Index

Rampura, 177
Ram rajya, 162
Rangda, 428
Rangoon, 462
Rani of Jhansi, 451
Rashid al-Din, 94
Ratanapanna, 394
Ravana, 398
Rebellions, 172
in China, 116, 118, 119,
244–245, 275, 283
in Korea, 363
sepoy, 451, 452(illus.)
in Vietnam (1777), 463–464
Rebirth, soul and, 195, 196, 403
Record of the Buddhist Kingdom,
A (Faxian), 167
Records of Guangdong Province,
on Dan people, 114
Records of the Three Kingdoms
(Samguk Sagi), 356
Red Dragon (ship), 437(illus.),
439, 446
Red Fort, sepoy rebellion, 451
Red River, 19, 29, 380
Red Sea, 442
Refuge, Zomia as, 109
Chinese, 390
Hmong, 116
Regional associations, 7
and, 195, 196
Chinese Buddhism and,
269, 272
Buddhist, 61, 165, 395
Islamic, 203(illus.)
Religion, religious practices,
Brahman, 168
in China, 269, 286
Indus Valley Civilization
in Korea, 348–349
Miao, 120
in Mongol Empire, 97–98,
popular, 400–408

along Silk Roads, 90–91
South Asian, 193, 194–197
in Thailand, 400–408
Vedic Age, 164
Religious associations,
Hmong clans as, 127,
Ren, Confucius and, 257
Renfrew, Colin, 47
Renouncers, renunciation,
201, 201(illus.), 202
Buddhist monks, 405, 407
Guatama Buddha as, 164,
Republic of China, 236, 286
Republic of India, 143, 172
Republic of Korea (ROK), 345
Resistance, 118, 436
Ricci, Matteo, 445
Rice, varieties of, 29
Rice cultivation/production,
and Green Revolution,
Hmong, 123, 125
in Japan, 299, 302, 312–313
methods of, 30–32
monsoons and, 27–28
origins of, 29–30
spread of, 49, 302–303
Thai rituals, 400–401
Rice wine jars, in Berawan
mortuary rituals, 420–421
Richman, Paula, 161
Richtofen, Ferdinand Freiherr
von, 85
Rig-Veda, 157, 158(illus.), 159
Myth of the Cosmic Sacri-
fice in, 173–174
Rinzai Zen Buddhism, 336
Riots, Hindu-Muslim, 161
Rishikesh, 22(illus.), 202
Rites of passage, Korean,
Rites of succession
Japanese, 2, 309, 311–313
Thai, 396
Balinese agricultural,

Berawan mortuary,
Chinese ancestral halls,
Confucian, 258–259
Japanese community, 304,
Korean Confucian,
Korean shamanistic,
Thai agricultural, 400–403
Zhou dynasty, 250–251
Rivers, 23
in China, 19–21
Indian, 21–22
Robber barons, in Burma, 123
Rock Edict IV, 165
Rock Edict XIII, 166
Roe, Thomas, 171
of Bali, 423–429
in Japan, 320–325
Oriental, 439–440
Rome (Liqian), Roman
Empire, 18, 55
trade, 85, 382, 383, 384, 385
Romanization, of Mandarin
Chinese, 243
Rong Chen, 386
Ronin, 326, 328
Rosaldo, Michele Zimbel-
man, death of, 422–423
Rosaldo, Renato, 422–423
Roshi, 340
Rossabi, Morris, 90, 94
Royal Tombs, Shang dynasty,
246, 247(illus.), 248
Rozman, Gilbert, 276
Rubber industry, 459–460
Ruins of Yin, 246
Rujiao, 264
Russia, 78, 457
and Korea, 237, 355, 365
Mongols in, 79, 96, 99
Russo-Japanese War, 365
Rustichello da Pisa, The Trav-
els of Marco Polo, 88, 90
Ryoanji, Zen garden at, 340
Ryukyu Islands, 303, 347, 390
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