Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1
Index 491

Sabah, 415
Sacred cities, 383
Balinese views on, 34
of writing, 57–59
Sacred texts, 5, 6, 7, 45, 269,
at Caves of the Thousand
Buddhas, 62–64
Chinese acquisition of,
fragility of, 60–61
Shang dynasty, 247, 248
Zhou dynasty, 250
Sadhus (sanyasis), 201,
Sages. See Confucius; Laozi
Sahananda, Swami, 178
Sahlins, Marshall, on tribes,
Sa Huynh site, 382
Saicho (monk), Tendai Bud-
dhism and, 335–336
Said, Edward, Orientalism,
Saigon, Nguyen Anh in, 464
Buddhist, 214
Sufi, 223
Sakya, 164
Sakyamuni, 271
Salvation, in Buddhism, 214,
269–270, 271, 336
Salween River, 19, 54
Samarkand, 18, 86
Sambandar, 206
Sampson, Geoffrey, on Japa-
nese writing, 71–72
Samsara, 149, 195
Samurai class, 326, 328–330
and Christianity, 444, 445
Confucian values and,
hwarang as, 356–357
as martial arts culture,
Meiji Era and, 466–467
vassal loyalty in, 331–332
Zen Buddhism and,

Sanchi, stupa at, 66,
203(illus.), 207
Sanemori, 306
Sanggar, raja of, 25
Sangha, 212–213
politics of, 272–273
Sanguk sagi (History of the
Three Kingdoms), 348
Sanguk yusa (Memorabilia of
the Three Kingdoms), 348
Sanitation engineering, Indus
Valley Civilization, 154
Sanshin, 349
San sillyon nim, 350–351
Sanskrit Canon, 394
Sanskrit, Sanskritic culture, 5,
45, 46, 57, 59, 143, 149,
157, 385
Jones study of, 42–43
Kautilya’s text, 164–165
in Southeast Asia, 372, 384
Santhals, 177, 178, 180
Santri Islam, 392
Sanur, 385
Sanyasis (sadhus), 201
Sanyasu, 202
Saraswati, 168, 182
Sarawak, 381, 415, 416
Brooke family on, 460–461
Dayak longhouses on,
head-hunting in, 418–419
mortuary rituals, 419–421
Sarawak River, 411(illus.)
Sarmatians, 93
Sarnath, 209
Sati (Suttee), 168, 186, 188
Satimata, 188
Satori, 338–339
Satsuma, 467
Sayyid Muhammad, 223
Scheduled Castes (SCs)
(India), 179, 230, 231
Scheduled Tribes (STs)
(India), 111, 179
Scholar-gentry (shi), 264–265
Scholar-officials, in Korea,
Scholarship, scholars, in
China, 7–8, 264, 266, 286

in Korea, 365
Quranic, 392
Song dynasty, 266
tea, 341
wat, 405
Scott, James C., The Art of
Being Governed: An Anar-
chist History of Upland
Southeast Asia, 80, 107–10
Scripts, 6, 8, 59, 64
Brahmi, 65, 66–67, 188n1
in China, 45, 67–71, 241,
262, 347
Hangul, 361–62
in Indus Valley Civiliza-
tion, 154–156
Korean and Japanese,
71–73, 361
Southeast Asian, 382–383
Chinese, 61, 63(illus.), 64
Japanese, 324–325, 328
sutra copying on, 317
Buddhist, 216,
temple, 202, 205
Scythians, Scythia, women’s
roles, 93, 94
Sea Dayaks (Iban), 417
Seals, Indus Valley, 154,
155(illus.), 156
Seclusion. See Purda
Second Anglo-Burmese War
(1852), 462
Secret History of the Mongols,
Secret sects, in China, 273
Seismic activity. See Earth-
Sejong the Great, King, Han-
gul script of, 72–73, 361,
Selangor, 460
Semai, 8
Sembiran, 382
Semitic scripts, 67
Sendos, 113
Senso, 311
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