Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1
Index 493

Singh, Ranjit (Lion of the
Punjab; Sher-i-Punjab),
229, 230(illus.)
Sinhalese Buddhism, 394
Sino-Japanese War, 363
Sino-Tibetan languages, 5, 6
relationships of, 51–57
Siraj-ud-Daula, 449
Sirkanda, 177
Sita, Princess, 159, 161, 168,
182, 188, 207, 399
as role model, 183–184
Siu, Helen F., 280
Six Dynasties Period (China),
Slash and burn cultivation, 7
Smuggling, China opium
trade and, 455, 456
Social hierarchies, 7, 277
Social, sociopolitical order,
160, 173–174, 259
Social status
of Chinese women,
scholar-gentry, 264–265
Social structure, 7, 107
of early civilizations,
Soga clan, 315, 319
Soga no Iruka, 319
Sogdia, 83
Soils, fertility of, 27, 31–32
Sokui no rei, 312
Song dynasty, 96, 264, 266,
267, 274, 276, 280, 281,
289, 292
trade, 389–390
Sonjo, King, 364
Son of Heaven, king/emperor
designation as, 249, 250
Sono-mama, 339
Sorqoqtani Beki, 94
Soto Zen Buddhism, 336
Berawan, 420
Hmong spirits and,
in Thai Buddhism, 403–404
in Upanishadic thought,

South Asia, 3, 5, 143–145, 193
scripts in, 64, 66–67
South China, 19, 20, 49
language diversity in, 48,
55, 57
Miao in, 117–120
South China Sea, 23
Southeast Asia, 3, 5, 17, 28,
45, 59, 67, 126, 371–372,
376, 419, 444
Austro-Tai languages in,
British colonialism in,
Buddhism in, 215,
217(illus.), 219
Chinese in, 390–391
Chinese trade with,
colonialism in, 458–461
geography, 13, 23–27
Indian influences in, 377,
Islamic influences in,
islands, 23–27
language families in,
prehistoric cultures in, 378,
trade, 383–384
South India, 202
South Korea, 236, 237, 345,
364, 366, 367
South Vietnam, 126
Soviet Union. See Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics
Spanish Empire, 371, 377,
443, 444, 445
Spice Islands (Indonesia),
European trade with,
442, 447
Spirit Cave (Thailand), 29
Spirit houses, Thai, 402(illus.)
Hmong relationships with,
Korean mountain, 348,
349, 350–351
in Thai religions, 400–404

Spring-and-Autumn Period,
Sri Lanka, 28, 143, 145, 169,
193, 209, 394
Srivijayan Empire, 442
Starvation, 26, 449–450
State(s), 5, 109, 372
centralized, 6, 7
in China, 244–245
early, 151–153
East Asian, 235–236
and gender hierarchy, 181
Indic, 379, 383
Islamic, 391–392
Japanese reformed,
Statecraft, 5
Stein, Aurel, 62, 64
Stewart, Rory, The Places in
Between, 84–85
Straits Settlements, 458, 460
Strauss, Richard, 92
Stridharma, 182, 184–185
Stupas, 66, 151, 158(illus.),
165, 202, 203(illus.), 272
Succession. See Rites of suc-
Sudana, Prince, 269
Sufi Islam, Sufism, 91, 169,
220, 221–223, 225
Sugarcane, Hmong cultiva-
tion of, 116
Suhag, 186
Suicide, 290
Bali mass, 423, 424(illus.),
ronin, 327, 331
samurai, 328, 332,
Sui dynasty (China), 60, 264,
313, 314, 355
Buddhism and, 267–268
Suiko, Empress, 303
Suinin, Emperor, 303
Sujin, Emperor, 303
Sukhothai, 394, 395, 398
Sulawesi, 23, 50, 381
in Delhi, 78, 169, 202
Malay, 460
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