Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1
Index 495

Thailand (Siam), 27, 29, 42,
108, 109, 126, 209, 251,
371, 372, 375(illus.), 377,
380, 383, 461–462, 464
agricultural rituals in,
Buddhist monks in,
Hmong in, 116, 117,
under Rama V, 465–466
royal mortuary rituals,
spirits and souls in,
Theravada Buddhism and,
394–400, 407–408
Thai language, 42, 48
Thais (Siamese), 49, 53, 109,
Thao clan, 127
Theater-states, 372
Balinese, 7, 385–386, 425
Theodora, Empress, 86
Theravada Buddhism, 198,
213–214, 217(illus.), 219,
monks, 404–407
popular religion and,
soul and spirits in, 402–404
and Thai state, 394–400
women in, 407–408
Thewada (angels), 404
Third Burmese Empire, 461
Third Council of Ashoka, 394
Thirteenth Rock Edict, 166,
Thousand-Character Classic, 305
Three Bonds, 259
Three Jewels of Buddhism,
209–213, 267
Three Kingdoms Period, 347
history of, 348, 353–357
Three Precious Things, 318
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
(Nietzsche), 92
Ti, 55
Tiananmen Square, extremist
suicide in, 101–102

Tiantai (Tien-t’ai) sect, 271
Tibet (Xizang), 17, 18, 21, 78,
85, 104
Buddhism in, 98, 102–103,
145, 193, 209,
210(illus.), 216,
218(illus.), 219, 275
Tibetan Canon, 394
Tibetan mountains, 19
Tibetan Plateau, 15, 27
Tibetans, 9, 36, 77, 78, 79
Tibetan Uprising, 102
Tibet Autonomous Region,
Tibeto-Burman languages, 48,
51, 52
Tibeto-Burmans, 379
Tiger, in Korean culture, 348,
349, 351
Tilokaraja, 395
Timor, 377, 381
Timur (Tamurlane; Tamer-
lane), 79, 222, 447
Timur Khan, 390
Tin mining, 249, 460
Tipitaka, 394
Tobacco, 123, 453
Todaiji Temple (Nara), 318
Tokugawa Museum, 325
Tokugawa Ieyasu, 328, 444
Tokugawa shogunate (Japan),
328–329, 333, 444
Tokyo (Edo), 299, 328, 466,
Tolui Khan, 94
To m b s
at Anyang, 246–248
of Qin Shihuang, 260,
Tonal languages, 52–53, 55
Tonghak (Donghak) Move-
ment, 362–363
Tonkin, 464
Tonkin Delta, 383, 463
Torres Straits, 415
Tortoise plastrons, as oracle
bones, 248
To s a , 4 6 7
Toshi Gyuri, 302
Touby Lyfong, 116, 126

Trade, 7, 77, 169, 262, 355,
385, 441–442, 466
in Borneo, 415, 420
Chinese, 389–391
European colonial,
443–444, 445–447
Indian, 382, 447–448
opium, 123, 125–126,
Silk Roads, 18–19, 85–87
in Southeast Asia, 382,
383–384, 458
Trade-tribute system, China
and, 441–442, 454
Trading ports, Portuguese,
Tradition, in Japan, 309
Training of the Zen Buddhist
Monk, The (Suzuki), 340
Trance, 372
in Bali, 425, 427(illus.), 428
Tran dynasty, 463
Translation, of sacred texts,
59, 61, 269
Transliteration, 71, 121
Travel, oceanic, 379–380
Travels of Marco Polo, The (Rus-
tichello), 88, 90
Cambodian-Siamese, 465
Chinese-British, 457
Spanish-Portuguese, 443
US-Japanese, 466, 467
Treaty Century, 457–458
Treaty of Nanjing (1842), 457
Treaty of Tordesillas, 443
Treaty Ports, Chinese, 20, 457
Tree diagrams, of language
families, 44(illus.),
50(illus.), 51(illus.)
Tribal societies, 5, 107
colonial identification of,
identifying, 109–111
nineteenth-century views
of, 416
Tribute, in China, 441–442,
Trichinopoly, 449
Trinh dynasty, 463
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