Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1
Index 497

War riors
Central Asian, 78, 79
women, 93–94
Wat er, 33 , 2 00
Water control
Bali, 33–34
Grand Canal, 19–21
Wat Phra Rama, 398
Wat Po, 405, 407
Wa t schools, 405
Watson, Rubie, 289
Wat Songdharma Kalyani, 407
We a l t h
He lineage, 282
in Shang dynasty, 248–249
Weather, Tambora eruption
and, 25–26
Weidenreich, Franz, 35
Wei dynasty, Japan and, 301,
Wei River Valley, 53, 54
We i z h i, 301
We n , 244
Wenchuan, 17
We n m i n g , 67
Western Zhou dynasty, 235,
Wet-rice (padi) cultivation,
11(illus.), 13, 30,
31(illus.), 32, 122, 123,
300, 347
“What Should Happen but
Never Does” (Jha),
Wheat cultivation, 28
Wheeler, Mortimer, 383
White Hmong (Hmong Glor),
120, 121
White Lotus Society, 273
White Rajas, 415, 460–461
Widows, in India, 186, 188
Winjan, 403
of Akbar, 181
Hmong, 132–133
Wo m e n
in Central Asia, 93–94
in Confucian China,
education of, 293–294

foot binding of, 290–293
in Heinan court, 320–325
Hmong, 131–33
in Indian society, 179,
in Korea, 350–352, 362
in samurai culture, 334
in Southeast Asia, 372
in Theravada Buddhism,
Wong Jei, 63
Wood, Frances, 90
Woo Oek Ju, shamanism in,
World Bank, on tribal societ-
ies, 110
World Council of Indigenous
People, 111
World Heritage Sites, Kogu-
ryo as, 237
Worldview, Hindu-Buddhist,
World War II, 7, 237, 366, 371
Brahmi, 65–67, 383
Chinese, 41, 68–71, 242,
in Japan, 71–72, 321
in Korea, 72–73, 347, 355,
sacredness of, 57–59
Sanskrit, 5
Wu, Empress, 272–273
Wu Cheng’en, Journey to the
We s t , 88–89, 236
Wu Chinese, 55
Wu Ding, 248
Wu Lien-teh, on poppy pro-
duction, 125–126

Xavier, Francis, 444
Xia dynasty, 235, 246
Xi’an (Xian), 13, 20, 260
Xiang Chinese, 55
Xiao (filial devotion), 269,
276, 277
Xie (Hsieh), 19, 20
Xinjiang, 85
and People’s Republic of
China, 100–102

Xiong, Xang Mao, 133
Xiong clan, 127
Xiongnu (Hsiung-nu), 17–18,
83, 84, 86, 87, 93, 94,
Xuanzang, 78, 269
in India, 59–60, 167, 208
travels of, 61–62, 87–89
Xu Can, 294

Yab-Yum, 216
Yadavas, 177, 178
Ya k s, 7 8
Ya k s a , 3 5 1
Yakushiji Yoichi Motoichi,
331, 332
Yama (death), 194, 195
Yamatai, 301
Yamato, King of, 303
Yamato Peninsula, 299
Ya m a t o R ive r, 2 9
Ya m a t o s t a t e
clans in, 303–304
reforms of, 318–320
Shinto in, 304–313
Ya m a t o To t o h i M o m o s o,
Yamazaki, Masakazu, 4
Ya mu n a R ive r, 2 3
Yangban, 360
Ya n g c l a n , 1 2 7
Yangzi Delta, 302
Yangzi (Yangtze) River, 19,
20, 49, 54
Yao Mien language, 53
Yashodhara, 210
Yato no kami, 305
Yayoi Period (Japan), 301,
302–303, 304
Ye l l o w R i v e r. See Huanghe
Ye l l o w S e a , 2 0
Yellow Sea Interaction Sphere,
Ye X i a n’ e n , 2 8 0
Yin, 246
Yin-yang, 288
Yi Sunsin, 364, 365
Yomei, 315
Yo s h i d a Ke n k o, 3 3 7
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