Heinz-Murray 2E.book

(Axel Boer) #1

498 Index

Yuan dynasty, 48, 90, 100
in China, 20, 79, 275
and Korea, 358–359
Kublai Khan and, 96, 99
Yue people, 55
Yuezhi (kingdom), 83, 84
Yunnan, 26, 441
Yunnan Province, 54, 118,
125, 390, 461
Yu the Great, 246

Zamindars, 178–179, 450
Zanzibar, 442
Zarathustra (Zoroaster), 92
Zaynab, 221
Zazen, 340
Zenana, 182
Zen Buddhism, 216, 272
arts and aesthetics in,

institutions of, 339–340
practice of, 337–339
and samurai culture, 335,
Zendo, 340
Zhang Qian, 83, 86
Zhang Qiang, 17–18
Zhejiang Province, Neolithic
in, 29–30
Zheng He, 441
Zhongguo, 242, 244, 251
Zhou dynasty, 55, 246, 276,
class structure in, 253–254
Confucius and Laozi in,
iron use in, 252–253
Li Chi, 242, 244
Mandate of Heaven in,

Zhou Enlai, 274
Zhoukoudian (Dragon Bone
Hill), 35
Zhou Youguang, 243
Zhu Xi (Chu Hsi), 259
Family Rituals, 273–274,
278–279, 360
Zhu Ying, 384
Zidong, 284
Zomia, 80, 108–109, 164
Zoroastrianism, 92
Zuryo (governors), 325–326
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