New Zealand Listener - October 13, 2018

(Kiana) #1



Doing a Donald

Twitter provides

Ardern with

a channel for


unfiltered by

journalists and






f I were to say that Jacinda Ardern
is emulating Donald Trump,
the left would snarl in outrage
and attack me as deluded, and
the right would snicker under their
breath and shake their heads. Yet,
curiously, in one aspect of her pre-
miership she is following the Trump
White House model.
Shortly before Ardern left the
country for New York, National Party
leader Simon Bridges accused her
of behaving like Trump for giving
a TED Talk-type address to party
faithful after cancel-
ling interviews on
Three’s Newshub
Nation scheduled
for the previous
day and TVNZ 1’s
Q+A on the day of
her speech, citing a
“diary issue”.
In much the same
way as Trump rejects
speaking before
general audiences,
preferring partisan
crowds wearing
Make America Great
Again (MAGA) hats,
Ardern has been
tending to avoid
traditional media
scrutiny in favour
of more supportive,

Our PM and the US

President aren’t a

million miles apart

in their approach to

the media.

“This year, I’m doing this amazing slow-roasted Ottolenghi
Christmas turkey, but I’ve got to get it in this week.”

public appearances.
During her UN General Assembly visit to the Big
Apple, an advertising company employed by her
office followed her, behind the scenes, into meet-
ings where real journalists could not go.
The footage taken can be expected to show up on
social media. Look out for a mini-documentary or
two on her Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Unlike Trump, who uses Twitter to rant, bludg-
eon and threaten his opponents, Ardern’s account,
which is followed by nearly 200,000 people, is
milder, full of happy chat, concentrating on what
she perceives to be the good news in New Zealand.
She confines herself to two or three tweets a week.
Nevertheless, social media provides the Prime
Minister with a channel for messages that can be
beamed directly to you and me, unfiltered by jour-
nalists and editors. Some of you may think that is a
good thing, but you’d be wrong.


arack Obama pioneered political use of social
media, successfully employing it to whip up
grass-roots support in his first presidential
campaign. Trump has embraced Twitter in an

entirely different way. He throws
out, seemingly at random, barbs in
up to 280 characters for his followers
and sympathetic media to chase.
A recent Trump tweet referred
to long-running US comedy show
Saturday Night Live: “Like many,
I don’t watch Saturday Night Live
(even though I past hosted it) – no
longer funny, no talent or charm.
It is just a political ad for the Dems.
Word is that Kanye West, who put
on a MAGA hat after the show
(despite being told “no”), was great.
He’s leading the charge!” SNL had
mocked Trump’s nominee for the
Supreme Court, who was having a
gruelling confirmation hearing in
the Senate.
There is nothing particularly
wrong with politicians using social
media to communicate with sup-
porters, so long as they also make
themselves available for serious jour-
nalistic questioning
or appearances
before audiences
that might bite
Anything else
suggests your
media advisers
do not believe
you can hack the
pace by discuss-
ing and debating
the decisions and
inevitable mistakes
your government
may make. The
free interchange
of views between
politicians and the
media lies at the
heart of democracy.
Anything else is just
public relations. l
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