LETTERS D0CTOR WHO?!Jodie Whittaker takes control of the Tardis
AT A GALLOP Stacy Gregg’s Viking horse adventure
Fresh thinking on the
heart benefits of
milk, cheese
& butter
CAPITAL GAINS TAXJane Clifton on those three little
words that terrify Kiwis
FAREWELL FAITHdangerous, help is at handWhen rejecting religion is
myths that have been spun by
ideologically driven sectors.
For example, the tenet
that New Zealand’s vegeta-
tion evolved in the absence
of browsing animals has been
used to demonise introduced
herbivores such as possums,
deer, tahr and chamois, despite
the views of ecologists such as
Graeme Caughley.
Yet, around that myth
bureaucracies have been
spawned within government
departments and ad hoc agen-
cies such as the Animal Health
Board, now Operational Solu-
tions for Primary Industries
So was born the Predator
Free 2050 dream. Predators are
not necessarily evil. Predators
have existed as long as there
has been life. The herbivore
moa – numbering several mil-
lion, according to Caughley
- were preyed on by the haast
eagle. Similarly, the extinct
adzebill was also a predator.
New Zealand’s ecosystem is
no different from any other
where herbivores browse
vegetation and predator-prey
relationships abound.
To ny O r m a n
Russell Garbutt’s point (Let-
ters, October 6) that the first
human visitation to New
Zealand occurred around 1250-
1300 is supported by most
of faith
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It takes courage for the media
to investigate religious issues
(“At the end of faith”, October
6). Likewise, it takes bravery
for adherents to confront the
trauma of leaving Islam. Their
punishment for apostasy may
include death, family harass-
ment and social ostracism.
The power of disciplined
introspection (Why am I
reciting something I don’t
understand?) and critical
reasoning is evident among
ex-Muslims who reject dogma.
David Whitehead
Fundamentalism in any of its
many forms should not be
confused with decent religion
or living faith.
A Muslim hafiz who could
recite the Koran from memory,
presumably in Arabic, while
understanding none of it, is a
case in point. It is paralleled
by Christians who turn the
Bible into a literally infal-
lible holy book, and are in
denial of science or serious
literary criticism or plain
history. Silly shallow super-
stitions are another form of
Whether it is Islam or Chris-
tianity, Judaism, Buddhism or
Hinduism, it needs to be intel-
ligent and rationally taught.
Otherwise it is a cult, and these
days is swiftly seen as such.
The proper response to any
cult that limits, dictates or
controls, however hallowed or
welded to the family culture,
is to leave it. Clear spiritual
air lies beyond, and much
For God to be credible,
moreover, God’s followers need
to have renounced violence,
sectism and racism. Living
faith is intelligent faith. It is
marked by humility, openness
to difference and hospitality,
and is sustained by love.
Ross Miller
(Algies Bay, Warkworth)
The October 6 Editorial’s high-
lighting of the hypocrisy of the
Catholic priesthood only falls
short in neglecting to mention
the murderous cruelty inflicted
by the church over centuries
upon the indigenous popula-
tions of the Americas, Africa,
India and the Philippines.
It does, however, stand
out as one of the truest and
bravest statements of what has
always seemed to me to be the
obvious explanation for their
appalling behaviour.
Peter Rodriguez
Before introducing a capital
gains tax, the Government
should learn from the experi-
ence of the UK. Many changes
have been make to its tax,
brought in in 1965, as a result
of unforeseen problems, litiga-
tion and avoidance schemes.
It is only fair for tax to be
assessed on gains on dis-
posal of investment property
and shares quoted on stock
exchanges, which should not
require much administration.
The real problem will arise
in assessing tax on the sale of
business interests, especially
in valuing unquoted shares,
which is an imprecise art that
can result in the net yield
being reduced by admin costs.
Gordon Edwards
(Milford, Auckland)
I thank Dame Jenny Gibbs for
her public support of assisted
dying (Shelf Life, September
29). People of influence are of
enormous value to any pro-
gressive movement.
In Australia, three experi-
enced doctors stunned the
nation late last month when
they appeared on 60 Minutes
and revealed they had helped
a number of desperately ill
patients to die.
Western Australia is likely
to introduce an assisted-dying
bill, similar to that of the state
of Victoria, early next year, fol-
lowing the recommendations
of a select committee of its
state Parliament. There is 88%
voter support for it.
Ann David
The “Exotic paradise” article
that was part of Sally Blundell’s
“All shook up” (September
29) cover story brings to mind
The winner receives a garden
starter hamper from Yates
to mark National Gardening
Week from October 15-22.
Letter of the week