Expat Living City Guide – June 2018

(C. Jardin) #1

Tiny Teeth

Child dentistry may
have its challenges,
says dentist DR
CINDY HO, but it’s
also interesting and
highly rewarding.

What do you love about
treating your young
Being a mother myself, I have
a strong passion for children’s
dental health. I love interacting
with young kids and making
sure they begin their dental
journey on a happy foot. The
main challenge is to undo any
existing phobias from previous
experiences elsewhere.

How do you go about
making your environment
At Aesthete Smile Studio, we do
our best to provide a fun and
relaxing environment for both
children and their parents, with
soothing music, soft lighting and
even an aquarium! Our emphasis
on preventive dentistry aims for a
lifelong, anxiety-free relationship
between patient and dentist.

When should a child’s fi rst
visit to the dentist take
Usually once they have started
childcare or kindergarten. After
that, we recommend you bring
them for a check-up about every
six months.

Do you recommend electric toothbrushes?
A manual toothbrush is fine for a child who shows good dexterity
and manages to brush his or her teeth efficiently. Otherwise, I suggest
using a light electric toothbrush in the evenings, from as young as the
age of two. Choose a small, soft-bristled toothbrush with a good grip.

Fluoridated or non-fl uoridated toothpaste?
For toddlers, I recommend non-fluoridated toothpaste, as they don’t
yet know how to rinse and spit. But once they do, I think that using
a low-dose fluoridated toothpaste once a day helps prevent tooth
decay in young children.

Any other tips for giving them a good start in dental
health for life?
Start early! That way, we can detect problems and resolve them in
good time. Give lots of positive reinforcement around coming in for
check-ups and cleaning. Praise them after each experience, so they’ll
be happy to come again.

Aesthete Smilestudio
24 Raffles Place
#02-04 Clifford Centre
6438 3811 | aesthetesmilestudio.com

188 CITY GUIDE 2018

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