Expat Living City Guide – June 2018

(C. Jardin) #1
The Vein Clinic & Surgery
#11-08 Paragon, 290 Orchard Road
6245 6666 | theveinclinic.com.sg



In all cases, there is no need
for general anaesthesia or
hospitalisation. There is no cutting
and no scarring, the pain is minimal
and you can walk immediately.
Here are some of the options:

  • Endovenous laser treatment
    This involves inserting into the
    vein a fibre optic wire that delivers
    heat and shrinks the vein.

  • Injection sclerotherapy
    Used for spider veins and smaller
    varicose veins, injecting a solution
    causes them to spasm and
    permanently close, after which
    they disappear.

  • VNUS Closure
    A catheter delivers temperature-
    controlled radiofrequency energy
    to the diseased vein, shrinking and
    sealing it.

  • ClariVein
    This mechano-chemical ablation
    procedure destroys the vein
    through a combination of physical
    manipulation and injection

  • VenaSeal
    In this process, varicose veins
    are quickly and effectively closed
    by being coated and sealed with
    a medical “superglue” that’s
    introduced through a tiny catheter.

Leg Alert!

Tired of covering up unattractive veins?
Here’s some advice from vascular
surgeon DR JOHN TAN.

Don’t ignore varicose veins, he warns, even if they aren’t
troubling you now. Those deep veins that protrude through
the skin in lumpy formations – often behind the knees – are
far likelier to worsen over time than to improve. Untreated,
they can cause ulceration and irreversible skin damage.
Small, superficial spider veins are only a health problem
if they cause tiredness, heaviness, aches or numbness. But
they absolutely should be treated when they’re associated
with more deeply located varicose veins. For this,
accurate diagnosis is key: “It’s essential to use ultrasound
assessment to check on the condition of the deeper veins,
because treating a vein is only effective when that vein is
the source or feeder vein,” says Dr Tan.
That done, diseased blood vessels are eradicated by one
or more of a range of technologies. After treatment, blood
flow is naturally redirected through other, healthy veins
in the leg. Note that while women are more susceptible to
developing varicose veins, men can get them, too!

190 CITY GUIDE 2018

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