Expat Living City Guide – June 2018

(C. Jardin) #1

Take the

Amongst all that house-hunting,
school searching and settling in,
make sure you set aside time for
a big dose of fun. One great place
to start is AJ Hackett Sentosa.

Over four million people around the world have
enjoyed the adrenalin rush of a bungy jump with
AJ Hackett, and now the company is here on our
shores. Singapore’s first bungy tower stands 50m
above the ground on Siloso Beach on Sentosa;
there’s also the Skybridge, a 40m walkway with
see-through sections and amazing sunset views.
Thrill-seekers have the choice of swooping over
Siloso on the Giant Swing, or taking the 47m
freefalling Bungy Jump.
If fear gets the better of you, food and beverages
are served alfresco from 10am onwards – the
perfect spot to grab a cold one by the beach.
Function areas are available for parties and special
events too.

From the founder
Thirty years ago, AJ Hackett,
a builder from Pukekohe,
New Zealand, took an iconic
jump from the Eiffel Tower,
before launching his now
renowned bungy jumping
company a year later, in 1988. AJ
was in Singapore earlier this year and we had
the chance to ask him a question: “If I’ve not
tried bungy jumping, why should I give it a go?”



It’s a life-changing experience. On
those seconds before your jump,
nothing else matters – it’s just between
you and the jump. It’s one of the most
exhilarating feelings you could ever
have, and everybody has to experience
it at least once in their lives. The
freedom, the rush, and the sense of
accomplishment – the feeling that you
can do anything. Plus, it’s pretty damn

226 CITY GUIDE 2018

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