The CEO Magazine Asia - 10.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1 | 133

Her-Chang adds that his biggest challenge
with the technology industry is following protocol.
“The view on the technology industry is all about
creative thinking and innovation, while here in
Taoyuan Metro we need to strictly follow the
SOPs (standard operating procedures) in almost
every step we take to make sure the system is
operated in a safe manner. “There’s one important
thing I learned during the process: Innovation is
also critical in the transportation industry. There are
so many other things we can do to enhance the
system safety; for example, implementing scientific
measurements to analyse train operation data and
foresee potential problems,” he adds.
Her-Chang’s next goal is to grow the business
while improving the service, and to optimise
procedures and facilities, while also improving
passenger satisfaction. “We plan to start making
customised advertising plans for different target
customers, to attract more potential passengers to
use our trains. Hopefully, we can reach our goal
of breaking even within six years,” he adds.
In terms of keeping his team motivated to
succeed, Her-Chang says he believes in leading
by example. “I believe I should practise what
I preach, making myself an example to be positive
and enthusiastic, to inspire my employees to have
passion in their day-to-day work.
“I often ask our senior executives to take their
responsibilities seriously, which means different
departments should solve problems together as
a team instead of blaming each other. Executives
should also make sure everyone on the team has
access to resources whenever they need them, as
well as equal opportunity to perform. And they
should be encouraged to do so.”

“I believe I should practise

what I preach, making

myself an example to be

positive and enthusiastic,

to inspire my employees

to have passion in their

day-to-day work.”

Her-Chang’s TOP TIPS

for creating a successful

team culture:

  • Promote teamwork and solidarity

  • Lead the team in the right direction,

cultivating the corporate culture
and values

  • Mak e employees believe in their own

value to the corporation

  • Mak e company strategies and goals

approachable for everyone

services, taxis and private cars, one of our biggest
challenges for stimulating ticket income is to
understand different passengers’ needs and then
provide the best service accordingly.
“Also, as our facilities’ warranties are expiring,
the cost of operation and manpower has increased.
Maintaining the growth of riders and the ticket/
non-ticket income are key to financial stability.”

“With the well-performing Signaling System from Siemens Mobility,
Taoyuan International Airport MRT has become one of the most
popular and reliable transportation means for air flight passengers,
and residents of nearby municipalities.” – HK Wang, CEO,
Siemens Mobility Taiwan

Interview | INVEST
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