The CEO Magazine Asia - 09.2018

(WallPaper) #1

between onsite technicians and experts working
behind the scenes ensures transparency and
Going forward, the talent that PETRONAS
nurtures will play an integral part in capturing the
opportunities offered by a growing region; looking
back, the cultural beliefs PETRONAS instils in its
workers has supported the construction of the
Pengerang complex and the RAPID project in every
phase, and at every level, from those involved in the
planning to the contractors working on delivering
the project. “We’re starting to see the benefit of the
shared beliefs in the RAPID project,” Arif says.
“Imagine trying to build a project worth US$27
billion and making sure that everything goes
smoothly. Our culture makes sure that everyone’s
vision is aligned.”
The RAPID project demonstrates one way
in which PETRONAS is committed to Malaysia’s
economic growth. It will play an important part
in the government’s Economic Transformation
Program, and represents a step forwards in terms
of technological development. Arif touches on the
efforts being made across PETRONAS’ wider

operations that will allow the company to not
merely to keep pace with rapid improvements in
technology, but to also capitalise on them. “We have
a dedicated unit that assesses our project delivery
as well as our research and development facilities,”
he says. “One of the main areas that we are
dedicating resources to is the digital space. We have
recently started applying analytics to heat exchangers,
for example, and will run analytics across our
facilities to determine how to improve predictions
and planning.”
Seeking a competitive edge in an increasingly
cut-throat industry, Arif stresses the importance of
research for the future success of the petrochemical
branch of PETRONAS. One goal involves speciality
chemicals, and he notes that the studies undertaken
by PETRONAS’ research centres will aim to put
the company ahead of its competitors. Global
research and development facilities for lubricants
have recently been established in Turin, Italy, with
satellite facilities in Brazil, China, South Africa,
Kuwait and Malaysia. This satellite research network,
one designed specifically with the customer in mind,
allows for improved connection with consumers.

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