The CEO Magazine Asia - 09.2018

(WallPaper) #1 | 23

Su’s approach to leadership is all about being
transparent and direct. “I’d rather someone
says something to me when something is
not right, rather than sugar-coat the issue,”
she says. Su expands on this by sharing her
perspective on the characteristics good leaders
should have – the first of which is an
understanding of their team. “To understand
them and see where they are coming from
is important when trying to move anything
in the organisation, either internally or
externally,” she adds.
The next point Su highlights is that
good leaders should have a high degree
of self-awareness because it helps with
self-improvement. As a result, she also
encourages her team to self-reflect.

Finally, Su explains that leaders should
be empathetic. “I believe everybody who
comes to work wants to do their best,” she
says. “Empathy helps you understand why
things didn’t work out and take it from
there. So the question is, as a leader, how
do we get the best out of this person? If
you put them in the right place, most
people will do a good job. That’s my belief;
in the power of the people and the power
of understanding.”
Now Vinda is on track to grow its
business by adding more countries in Asia.
“Today, we are strong in only a few markets,
and I want to add at least two more markets
in the South-East Asian arena that are
significant enough to contribute to the
overall business.”
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