78 Chapter 3
- Spencer1910b,116. Thisis also qtd. by Bannister1988,51.
- Spencer 1978 vol. 2.
- Spencer1981d,187,andonlineat http://tinyurl.com/2kybvr,para.10, accessedSaturday,May5,
- Black2003,119.
- Lombardo2008,164.
- JusticeJohnMarshallHarlan,“OpinionConcurringin Part,Dissentingin Part,”StandardOil Co. of
NewJerseyv. UnitedStates173 Fed.Rep.177,http://tinyurl.com/32njod,accessedWednesday,April4,
- Qtd.by Chernow1998,566.
- MarkP. Painter,“JusticeOliverWendellHolmes,Jr. (1841–1935),”FromRevolutionto Reconstruction,
May5, 2003,http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/B/oliver/oliverxx.htm,accessedWednesday,April4, 2007. - D. E. Bernstein2011.
- D. W. Root2007,accessedonlineSaturday,September1, 2012.
- Qtd.by D. W. Root2007,accessedonlineSaturday,September1, 2012.
- For Blakey’s and Storey’s citationofLochnerv. NewYork, see C. Blakeyand Mr. Storey1918,62.
- D. W. Root2007,accessedonlineSaturday,September1, 2012.
- OliverWendellHolmes,Lochnerv. NewYork, 198 U.S.45 (1905),“Mr. JusticeHolmesDissenting,”
publishedat http://www.tourolaw.edu/patch/Lochner/HOLMES.asp,accessedWednesday,April4, 2007. - Hofstadter1959,47.
- Bannister1988,xvi.
- Confirmationof Holmes’s explicitsupportfor the eugenicsmovementis foundin AllanChase
1980,paperbackedition,275,315–16, 353,368,619;Degler1991,47; Fukuyama2002,85; M. Kaku1997,
256; Kevles1985,111; F. Osborn1968,92; and A. Tone2001,144. - Qtd.in R. A. Posnered. 1992,xxv.
- J. Dewey1987b,16.
- T. A. Bowden2009,30.
80.Buckv. Bell274 U.S.200 (1927),republishedin Lombardo2008,287. - J. F. Stephen 1883 vol. 3, 225.
- O. W. Holmes1873,582, republishedas O. W. Holmes1988,50.
- R. L. Moore1974,41.
- T. C. Leonard2003,687–88, accessedonlineMonday,February13, 2012.
- “GroupBlastsPETA‘Holocaust’ Project” 2003,http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/Northeast/02/28/
peta.holocaust/,accessedThursday,May31, 2007. - AbrahamFoxman,IntroductiontoMeinKampf, in Hitler2001,xx–xxi.
- D. Swade2001,12.
- E. Sayet2012,8-10.I learnedthis fromAlexanderMarriottin his podcast—AlexanderMarriottand
DanielRoberts,“Episode41: Backto the Past,”HistoryGuys, June22, 2013,the 63 minutemark,hostedon
BlogTalkRadio online, http://www.blogtalkradio.com/history-guys/2013/06/22/episode-41-back-to-the-
past,accessedMonday,September2, 2013. - J. R. Saul1993,paperback,74, 41.
- Blurbon the frontcoverof J. R. Saul1993,paperback.
- J. Gray2013,7, accessedonlineThursday,January24, 2013.
- A. Padgen2013,18–19.
- D’Souza2002,49.
- K. Kelly2010,39.
- D. Schneiderand C. J. Schneider2007,1, 216.
- P. Gay 1969 vol. 2, 409; A. Hochschild2005,87; and J. Powell2008,26.
- J. Powell2008,26; and J. K. Taylor1974,242–43.
- JohnLocke,SecondTreatiseof Government, ch. 7, sec. 85, para.1, accessedonlineSaturday,October
25, 2014,in J. Locke 1764 rpt. J. K. Taylor1974,242–43, broughtthis to my attention. - AmbroseEvans-Pritchard,“Towardsa RadicalNewTheoryof Anglo-AmericanSlavery,and Vin-
dicationof FreeMarkets,”The Telegraph, August7, 2013,http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/
dication-of-free-markets.html,accessedWednesday,August20, 2014.
100.D. P. Kotzin 2007 vol. 2, 681;L. J. Kern1994,172;andA. L. C. Tracy1817,ch. 10, para.20, Para.
42–45, accessedonlineMonday,June10, 2013.
101.J. B. Say 1823,60; and E. Schoorl2012,19–20, 126–133, 194.
102.P. Dray2005,200.
103.N. Chanda2007,214; and J. Powell2008,27.
104.J. Powell2008,31, pointsout thatThomasPaineadvocatedabolitionisminPostscriptto the Pennsyl-
vaniaJournaland the WeeklyAdvertiser, publishedon March8, 1775.
105.J. Powell2008,36, pointsout that Turgotdenouncedslaveryin his letterto RichardPriceon March
22, 1778,and inReflectionson the Formationand Distributionof Riches.