Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
The Führer versusFree Enterprise 197

  1. H. A. Turner1985,74–75.

  2. Hitler2001,639.

  3. Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,173.

  4. Hitler,qtd. by B. Rubinand Rubin2004,97. Theycite Bormann1953,155.

  5. Hitler,qtd. by B. Rubinand Rubin2004,96. Theycite Compton1968,17, 35.

  6. B. Rubinand Rubin2004,137.NaziphilosopherMartinHeidegger,too, hatedthe cultural
    influenceof the UnitedStates.WritesBurumaandMargalit2005,softcover,8, “Heideggerwasa sworn
    enemyof whathe calledAmerikanismus, whichin his viewsappedthe Europeansoul.”

  7. Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,160–61.

  8. Wagener1985,161.

  9. Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,161.

  10. MichaelMoore,interviewedby Ian Hodder,“MichaelMoore’s OngoingCrusadeAgainstCorpo-
    rate GreedWonHiman AudienceWithBig, Bad Nike,”IndustryCentral, 1997,,
    accessedFriday,June15, 2007.

  11. BrianReade,interviewwithMichaelMoore,“The AwkwardConscienceof a Nation,”The Mirror,
    March11, 2003,,accessedTuesday,June19, 2007.

  12. MichaelMoore,“NotAll of AmericaIs Crazy,”Die Zeit, November6, 2003,
    2003/46/AbdruckMoor,translatedfromGermanintoEnglishby RayDrakefor DavidKaspar,“Michael
    Moore:Americans AreDumb, Germans Educated,” DavidsMedienkritic-Online,
    37bqed,bothwebsitesaccessedTuesday,June19, 2007.

  13. AndreasTzortzis,“MichaelMooreat Homein ‘Old Europe,’”DW[DeutscheWelle]World, Novem-
    ber 17, 2003,,,1035379,00.html,accessedTuesday,June19, 2007.

  14. MacFarquhar2004,,accessedTuesday,June19, 2007.

  15. Hitler2001,214.

  16. Bin Laden2002,,accessedTuesday,June19, 2007.

  17. M. Moore2003,148–155.

  18. Steinweis1993,159.

  19. MikelaJ. Mikaelnarratingin Achbaret al., prods.2003,transcriptonlinein the PDFat http://,accessedThursday,May17, 2007.

  20. Hitler2003,30–31.

  21. Milward1977,6.

  22. Hitler2001,406.

  23. M. Moore2003,154–55.

  24. Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,16–17.

  25. Hitler2001,151, 227, 298, 336, 423.

  26. H. A. Turner1985,75.

  27. Fest 1974 U.S.version,146, 167.

  28. Fest 1974 U.S.version,167.

  29. Fest 1974 U.S.version,145.

  30. For Hitler’s mentionof KarlLueger,see Hitler2001,56, 93–95, 111–13. Zakaria2003,60, broughtto
    my attentionthe fact thatHitlermentionedLuegerby nameinMeinKampf. Zakaria2003,59–60, pointed
    out to me that HitlermodeledhimselfafterLueger.

  31. For Hitler’s mentionsof Lueger’s ChristianSocialism,see Hitler2001,56, 93–94, 111–13. Corrobora-
    tion of Luegerbeinga ChristianSocialist,and candidatefor the ChristianSocialistParty,is in G. L. Mosse
    1975,118; G. L. Mosse1985,tradepaperback,146–47; and Zakaria2003,59–60.

  32. G. L. Mosse1985,tradepaperback,146–47.

  33. Shirer1990,35–36.

  34. Fest 1974 U.S.version,117–18, 123.

  35. Shirer1990,35–37, 40–41, 260, 759.

  36. TomPerkins,“ProgressiveKristallnachtComing?”,WallStreetJournal, January24, 2014,http://, accessed Tuesday, Au-
    gust26, 2014.

  37. David Christopher Bell, “4 Cringeworthy JustificationsPeople Used for Being Assholes,”
    Cracked.Com, March8, 2014,–cringeworthy-justifications-people-
    used-being-assholes/,accessedTuesday,August26, 2014.

  38. Hitler2001,436–447, 599–600.

  39. H. A. Turner1985,181.

  40. Shirer1990,202.

  41. To somedegree,E. Faye 2009 U.S.version,141, doesthis.

  42. G. L. Mosseed. 1955,341–42.

  43. Shirer1990,202–03.

  44. H. A. Turner1985,77.

  45. M. Parenti2004,117–18.

  46. J. Toland1976,314.

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