Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

198 Chapter 8

  1. DietrichKlaggesqtd. by Steigmann-Gall2003,41–42.

  2. Steigmann-Gall2003,44.

  3. J. Cort1988,229; and R. J. Ellis2005,27–28.

  4. Steigmann-Gall2003,44.

  5. N. Ferguson2006,245.

  6. Steigmann-Gall2003,quotingfromGoebbels1987,66.

  7. Steigmann-Gall2003,46, citingWagener1985,56.

  8. Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,56–57. Thesewordsare alludedto in Steigmann-Gall2003,46.

  9. Hitler, Wagener1985,139–140.A partof this quotationappearsin Steigmann-Gall2003,

  10. J. C. Fest 1974 U.S.version,252.

  11. Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,23, 145.

  12. G. L. Mosseed. 1966,342–43.

  13. Goebbels,qtd. by Steigmann-Gall,44.

  14. Milward1977,8.

  15. J. Goldberg2007,304.Gellately2007,96, statesthatin Germanyat the time,departmentstores
    “wereidentifiedmainlywithJewishfirms.. .”

  16. Burumaand Margalit 2005 paperback,28–29.

  17. Thisis republishedinNaziConspiracyand Aggressionvol.4, (Washington,D.C.:UnitedStates
    GovernmentPrintingOffice,1946)republishedonlineat Leyed. 2007,
    avalon/imt/document/nca_vol4/1708–ps.htm,accessedMonday,March24, 2008.

  18. J. Goldberg2007,304.

  19. BernardWysocki,Jr., “Howa BroadCoalitionStymiedWal-Mart’s Bid to Owna Bank,”WallStreet
    Journal, October23, 2006,,accessedSunday,
    June9, 2014.

  20. Gellately2001,26.

  21. N. Steinberg2005,,accessedMonday,March24, 2008.I learnedabout
    NeilSteinbergsayingthis fromJ. Goldberg2007,304.

  22. Gellately2007,189.

  23. J. Toland1976,403, 406.

  24. G. L. Mosseed. 1966,341–43.

  25. J. Toland1976,405–06.

  26. G. L. Mosseed. 1966,342; and J. Toland1976,405–06.

  27. G. L. Mosseed. 1966,342.

  28. J. Toland1976,405–406.

  29. J. Toland1976,405–06.

  30. Steigmann-Gall2003,190.Hitlerspokethesewordsat the assemblyofAlteKämpferin Munichon
    February26, 1939.

  31. J. Toland1976,312, 405–07, 542.

  32. Hitlerqtd. by J. Toland1976,312.

  33. It is not veryrelevantto this discussion,but I foundit interestingthatAmbassadorDoddwasthe
    fatherof U.S.Sen.ChristopherDodd(D-CT;b. 1944).

  34. AdolfHitler,letterto PresidentFranklinD. Rooseveltand U.S.AmbassadorThomasDodd,March
    14, 1934,republishedin “MessagefromHitlerto Roosevelt,”History-of-the-Holocaust.Org, http://tin-,accessedWednesday,May23, 2007.

  35. J. P. Diggins1972,280.

  36. FDRto HenryBreckinridgeLong,letter,June1933,qtd. by J. P. Diggins1972,279.

  37. FDRto JohnLawrence,letter,July27, 1933,qtd. by J. P. Diggins1972,279.

  38. J. P. Diggins1972,279.

  39. ArthurM. Schlesingermakesthis denialin his essay“Sourcesof the NewDeal.” I learnedabout
    this essayfromJ. P. Diggins1972,232.

  40. A. Cooke1973,329.

  41. J. Goldberg2007,148, quotingMussolini1933.

  42. J. P. Diggins1972,281, quotingMussolini1933.

  43. J. P. Diggins1972,281.

  44. J. Goldberg2007,148, quotingMussolini1933.

  45. J. P. Diggins1972,281, quotingMussolini1933.

  46. H. A. Turner1985,66–67.
    100.J. Toland1976,404.
    101.C. Webberand A. Wildavsky1986,461.
    102.J. K. Galbraith1987,222. J. S. Barnes1928,113–14.
    104.J. M. Keynes2013,3.
    105.Kopeland Griffiths2003,,accessedWednesday,May30, 2007.

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