198 Chapter 8
- DietrichKlaggesqtd. by Steigmann-Gall2003,41–42.
- Steigmann-Gall2003,44.
- J. Cort1988,229; and R. J. Ellis2005,27–28.
- Steigmann-Gall2003,44.
- N. Ferguson2006,245.
- Steigmann-Gall2003,quotingfromGoebbels1987,66.
- Steigmann-Gall2003,46, citingWagener1985,56.
- Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,56–57. Thesewordsare alludedto in Steigmann-Gall2003,46.
- Hitler,qtd.by Wagener1985,139–140.A partof this quotationappearsin Steigmann-Gall2003,
46–47. - J. C. Fest 1974 U.S.version,252.
- Hitler,qtd. by Wagener1985,23, 145.
- G. L. Mosseed. 1966,342–43.
- Goebbels,qtd. by Steigmann-Gall,44.
- Milward1977,8.
- J. Goldberg2007,304.Gellately2007,96, statesthatin Germanyat the time,departmentstores
“wereidentifiedmainlywithJewishfirms.. .” - Burumaand Margalit 2005 paperback,28–29.
- Thisis republishedinNaziConspiracyand Aggressionvol.4, (Washington,D.C.:UnitedStates
GovernmentPrintingOffice,1946)republishedonlineat Leyed. 2007,http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/
avalon/imt/document/nca_vol4/1708–ps.htm,accessedMonday,March24, 2008. - J. Goldberg2007,304.
- BernardWysocki,Jr., “Howa BroadCoalitionStymiedWal-Mart’s Bid to Owna Bank,”WallStreet
Journal, October23, 2006,http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB116118495912296504,accessedSunday,
June9, 2014. - Gellately2001,26.
- N. Steinberg2005,http://tinyurl.com/ysz5gb,accessedMonday,March24, 2008.I learnedabout
NeilSteinbergsayingthis fromJ. Goldberg2007,304. - Qtd.by Gellately2007,189.
- J. Toland1976,403, 406.
- G. L. Mosseed. 1966,341–43.
- J. Toland1976,405–06.
- G. L. Mosseed. 1966,342; and J. Toland1976,405–06.
- G. L. Mosseed. 1966,342.
- J. Toland1976,405–406.
- Qtd.by J. Toland1976,405–06.
- Steigmann-Gall2003,190.Hitlerspokethesewordsat the assemblyofAlteKämpferin Munichon
February26, 1939. - J. Toland1976,312, 405–07, 542.
- Hitlerqtd. by J. Toland1976,312.
- It is not veryrelevantto this discussion,but I foundit interestingthatAmbassadorDoddwasthe
fatherof U.S.Sen.ChristopherDodd(D-CT;b. 1944). - AdolfHitler,letterto PresidentFranklinD. Rooseveltand U.S.AmbassadorThomasDodd,March
14, 1934,republishedin “MessagefromHitlerto Roosevelt,”History-of-the-Holocaust.Org, http://tin-
yurl.com/3chujh,accessedWednesday,May23, 2007. - J. P. Diggins1972,280.
- FDRto HenryBreckinridgeLong,letter,June1933,qtd. by J. P. Diggins1972,279.
- FDRto JohnLawrence,letter,July27, 1933,qtd. by J. P. Diggins1972,279.
- J. P. Diggins1972,279.
- ArthurM. Schlesingermakesthis denialin his essay“Sourcesof the NewDeal.” I learnedabout
this essayfromJ. P. Diggins1972,232. - A. Cooke1973,329.
- J. Goldberg2007,148, quotingMussolini1933.
- J. P. Diggins1972,281, quotingMussolini1933.
- J. P. Diggins1972,281.
- J. Goldberg2007,148, quotingMussolini1933.
- J. P. Diggins1972,281, quotingMussolini1933.
- H. A. Turner1985,66–67.
100.J. Toland1976,404.
101.C. Webberand A. Wildavsky1986,461.
102.J. K. Galbraith1987,222.
103.Qtd.by J. S. Barnes1928,113–14.
104.J. M. Keynes2013,3.
105.Kopeland Griffiths2003,http://tinyurl.com/cgkk,accessedWednesday,May30, 2007.