Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Extinctionof the SocialDarwinismCanard 255

  1. Kershaw 2000 paperback,576.Ian Kershawfurtherprovesthe Nazis’ economicincompetencein

  2. R. Grunberger1971,168.

  3. Shirer1990,262; and C. Webberand A. Wildavsky1986,462.

  4. Shirer1990,262.

  5. R. Grunberger1971,168–170.

  6. Shirer1990,262.

  7. P. Watson2010,361.

  8. C. Webberand A. Wildavsky1986,462.

  9. McMenamin1999,74–75, accessedonlineMonday,June18, 2007.McMenamin 1999 citesStephen
    Roberts.Thefailuresof Hitler’s agriculturalpolicyare alsohighlightedin Kershaw2000,paperback,
    578–579, 581; and Kershaw1983,83,306,315.

  10. Kershaw2000,paperback,576.A shortenedversionof this quotationappearsin McMenamin1999,
    73–74, accessedonlineMonday,June18, 2007.Ian Kershawfurtherprovesthe Nazis’ economicincompe-
    tencein Kershaw1983.

  11. McMenamin1999,74–75, accessedonlineMonday,June18, 2007.McMenamin 1999 citesStephen

  12. Kershaw2000,paperback,576.A shortenedversionof this quotationappearsin McMenamin1999,
    73–74, accessedonlineMonday,June18, 2007.Ian Kershawfurtherprovesthe Nazis’ economicincompe-
    tencein Kershaw1983.

  13. T. Standage2009,211.

  14. Paarlberg2010,140.

  15. G. L. Mosse,ed. 1966,342–44.

  16. C. Webberand A. Wildavsky1986,463.

  17. G. L. Mosse,ed. 1966,344.

  18. RaymondFletcher, A. Toffler 1981 paperback,402,fromthe author’s interviewwithFletch-

  19. P. A. Samuelson 1980 11thed., 815, qtd. by M. Krauss1983,paperback,43.

  20. Shirer1990,260.

  21. C. Webberand A. Wildavsky1986,463.

  22. WaltherFunkin 1939,qtd. by Shirer1990,260.

  23. Shirer1990,261.

  24. Shirer1990,261.

  25. D. M. Smith1982,118.B. Mikkelsonand D. P. Mikkelson2007,accessedonlineSaturday,October
    20, 2012,was the sourcethat first broughtthis informationto my attention.

  26. P. Roland2008,177.

  27. R. Grundberger1971,172.

  28. G. L. Mosse,ed. 1966,345.

  29. R. Grunberger1971,172.
    41.FrankfurterZeitung1966b, 363–64.

  30. R. Grunberger1971,172.

  31. G. L. Mosse,ed. 1966,345.

  32. R. Grunberger1971,170.

  33. M. Parenti2004,117–18.

  34. J. C. Fest 1979 U.S.version,760.

  35. “Reprogenetics” was first usedin L. M. Silver 1998 paperback,8–9.

  36. For a moredetailedexplanationof this process,see L. M. Silver 1998 paperback,269–273.

  37. Accordingto Chorost2005,ManfredClynesand NathanKlinecoinedthe termcyborgin 1961.

  38. To readthe writingswhereinJulianHuxleyintroducedthe term“transhumanism,” see J. Huxley
    2004,accessedonlineMonday,April28, 2008,adaptedfromJ. Huxley1957,13–17.

  39. For informationon this,see Glover,prod. 2003

  40. G. Dover2000,10.

  41. “LearningAboutTay-SachsDisease,” websiteof the NationalHumanGenomeResearchInstitute,a
    Divisionof the NationalInstituteof Health,March2007,,accessed
    Sunday,May27, 2007.W. T. Anderson1996,104-05;K. Davies2010,271; J. Entine2007,281; and Zuk2007,
    34; also touchuponthis.

  42. Lee Silver,interviewedby JohnStosselin Collotonet al., prods.2001.

  43. JamesD. Watson,interviewin Glover,prod.2003.

  44. Mahoneyinterviewedby JohnStosselin Collotonet al. prods.2001.

  45. Black2003,426-27,441–43.

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