Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

256 Chapter 10

  1. Narrationin Gloverprod.2003.Incidentally,I findit prettyamusingthatEdwinBlackdenounces
    bothHerbertSpencerand JamesD. Watsonas socialDarwinisteugenicists,sinceJamesWatsonhimself
    unfairlyderidedSpencerfor beinga SocialDarwinistin J. D. Watsoned. 2005,606.

  2. JamesD. Watson,interviewedin Glover,prod.2003.

  3. Black2003,443–44.

  4. M. Ridley1999,298–99.

  5. Watson,interviewedin Glover,prod.2003.

  6. Postrelinterviewedby JohnStosselin Collotonet al. prods.2001.

  7. RobertL. Sinsheimer,“The Prospectof DesignedGeneticChange,” in Chadwick,ed. 1992ed., 145,
    qtd. by Fukuyama2002,87.

  8. DeGregori 2001,
    priorities/1302/coverstory.html,accessedWednesday,October1, 2014.

  9. S. Arrison2011,85.

  10. R. Naam2005,166–67. S. Arrison2011,85, broughtmy attentionto Naamsayingthis.

  11. Dewar2004,441.

  12. JamesD. Watson,Question-and-Answersectionfor “No Restrictionson GeneticResearch,”New
    PerspectivesQuarterly, fall 2005,;andinter-
    viewby JohnH. Richardson,“WhatI’ve Learned:JamesWatson,”Esquire, October19, 2007,http://,accessedWednesday,September24,

  13. Accordingto K. Davies2010,20, JamesD. WatsonlobbiedCongressin the early2000sto earmark
    federalfundsfor researchon mentalillness.

  14. Herzlinger2007,132, pointsout that in 1908the averagepriceof an automobilein the USAwas that
    of the averagehousesoldin the UnitedKingdom,and that by 1916the pricewasless thanhalf that.B. W.
    Folsom2008,129,pointedout thatthe priceof an automobilein the USAat the timewas3,000U.S.

  15. C. Ogden1999,60.

  16. B. W. Folsom2008,129.I havereceiveddifferentfiguresfromM. Wallace,prod.2006.M. Wallace,
    prod. 2006 statesthat from 1912 to 1914,the FordMotorCompanyreducedthe averagepriceof ModelTs
    from600 to 490 dollars.In any case,though,Fordboostedits grossby employingeconomiesof scaleto
    pressout largernumbersof unitsat highvolumesand thento sell thoseunitsat affordablepricesto the

  17. Mellon1924,13, qtd. by B. W. Folsom2008,129.

  18. KatieBushouse,“PlasticSurgery’s Affordableto All,”SouthFloridaSun-Sentinel,
    385ue6,March17, 2006;DianeKockler,“PlasticSurgeryMovesBeyondRichand Famous,”Click2Houston,
    November7, 2006,;LloydM. Krieger,“PlasticSurgeryGoesMainstream,”Beau-
    ty Fashions, 2007,;all accessedSaturday,May26, 2007.

  19. Zinserand Hsieh2007–08, 37, accessedonlineWednesday,May18, 2011.

  20. Cannonand Tanner 2007 2d ed., 22, citingCutleret al. 1998.

  21. Cannonand Tanner 2007 2d ed., 22, citingI. Shapiroet al. 1999.

  22. ChristopherReeve,keynotespeechat the March 2000 BIOconferencein Boston,Massachusetts,
    qtd. by J. F. Crowley2010,97.

  23. F. M. Esfandiary1973,143. I first heardof F. M. EsfandiaryfromTuccille1975,66.

  24. To get a glimpseof the Sovietcommunists’ dismalenvironmentalrecord,see Feshbachand Friend-
    ly 1992.

  25. RonaldReagan,“RendezvousWithDestiny,” addresson behalfof BarryGoldwater’s presidential
    campaign,October27, 1964,republishedon the websiteof the RonaldReaganPresidentialFoundation&
    Library(SimiValley,California:RonaldReaganPresidentialLibrary& Museum),
    2ukn3,accessedSunday,June3, 2007.

  26. F. M. Esfandiary1973,7–9, 11.

  27. P. Roland2008,176.

  28. BradAbellenarratingT. Atkinsonand J. Baran,prods.1998.

  29. GeorgeL. Mosseinterviewedin T. Atkinsonand J. Baran,prods.1998.

  30. I. Berlin1970b,47.

  31. H. A. Turner1985,78.

  32. Kershaw2000,paperback,448–49.

  33. A. S. Milward1976,399.

  34. N. Ferguson2006,231.

  35. S. G. Payne1980,91.

  36. K. Hardach1980,65–66. C. WebberandA. Wildavsky1986,463,broughtthisstatementto my

  37. LindaDubrow-Marshall,interviewedin I. Chapmanprod.2012.

  38. Hitler,froma conversationwithWagenerin Spring1932,qtd. in Wagener1985,316.

  39. J. Goldberg2007,414 n. 7, 415 n. 7.

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