314 Chapter 12
- Rand1963d,45, republishedin Rand 1970 paperback,127.
- Binswanger1981c,12; andBinswanger2011c,http://hblist.com/anarchy.htm,accessedTuesday,
January3, 2012. - R. D. McGrath 1984 arguesthatvigilantesdid createa peacefulsocialorderin the OldWest.
However,to the extentthatthatmaybe true,it is actuallybecausethosevigilantesincreasinglycameto
act like a monopolisticnight-watchman-state. - Binswanger1981c,12; and Binswanger2011c,accessedonlineTuesday,January3, 2012.
- R. Nozick1974,118.
- H. Hazlitt1993a.
- R. Nozick1974,27.
- B. Doherty2007,248,688 n. 17, reportsabouthowSamuelKonkinIII wasthe libertariananarchist
whocoinedminarchism. In this interpretation,anarchismis the perfectideology,andminarchismis an
imperfectbut necessarystepto becomingfullymatureand intellectuallyperfectby embracinganarchism.
In this regard,one can thinkof a “minarchist” as a boy ridinghis bicyclewithhis trainingwheelson. The
boy finallyproclaiminghimselfan anarchistis the momentthat he is ableto ride his bicyclein the absence
of trainingwheels.