Conclusionof Trilogy 337
off governmentand goingbackto “marketanarchy.” Thisstoryis false,sincetherehas neverbeenan era
of truelong-termanarchyfor mankind.
- Graber1989,1, 9,,ac-
cessedTuesday,January18, 2011.Thisarticlecameto my attentionthroughJ. L. Simon1998,trade
paperback,1998,547; and P. Schwartz1999,221. - D. B. Botkin2012,xvii–xviii.
- Bill McKibben,“Let ThemBuildSeawalls,”The Dish:Biased& Balanced, editedby AndrewSullivan,
August28, 2014,,accessedSeptem-
ber 9, 2014. - Rousseau,A DiscourseOn a SubjectProposedBy the Academyof Dijon:WhatIs the Originof Inequality
AmongMen,and Is It AuthorisedBy NaturalLaw?, 1754,republishedin Rousseau1923,Pt. 2, Para.21-22,
accessedonlineWednesday,August24, 2011.T. Kealey 1996 U.S.paperback,312, broughtthis assessment
of Rousseau’s to my attention. - Rousseau,A Discourseon the MoralEffectsof the Artsand Sciences, 1761,republishedin Rousseau
1923,Pt. 2, Para.1, accessedonlineWednesday,August24, 2011.T. Kealey 1996 U.S.paperback,312,
broughtthis statementof Rousseau’s to my attention. - T. Kealey1996,U.S.paperback,312-15.
- Jean-JacquesRousseau,“A Discourseon PoliticalEconomy,” para.43, 1755,
5jfdld,accessedWednesday,August20, 2008,in Rousseau1923. - A. H. Gottliebet al. 1998,7.
- PatrickHenry, W. W. Henry 1891 vol. 2, 192.I firstheardof this quotationfromJ. Appleby
1996 3d ed., 184. - PatrickHenry,addressdeliveredin St. John’s Churchin Richmond,Virginia,on March23, 1775,
republishedon the websiteof the Universityof OklahomaCollegeof Lawat
ushistory/henry.shtml,accessedFriday,June15, 2007.Sadly,not evenPatrickHenrywasfullyconsistent
in his philosophy.He supportedspoliationinasmuchas he actuallyadvocatedthatpeoplebe taxed,and
thattheirtax moneybe usedin the disseminationof Christianteachings.Fortunately,ThomasJefferson
and JamesMadisonopposedhim on this.For informationon this matter,see J. Meacham2006,85.