Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Conclusionof Trilogy 337

off governmentand goingbackto “marketanarchy.” Thisstoryis false,sincetherehas neverbeenan era
of truelong-termanarchyfor mankind.

  1. Graber1989,1, 9,,ac-
    cessedTuesday,January18, 2011.Thisarticlecameto my attentionthroughJ. L. Simon1998,trade
    paperback,1998,547; and P. Schwartz1999,221.

  2. D. B. Botkin2012,xvii–xviii.

  3. Bill McKibben,“Let ThemBuildSeawalls,”The Dish:Biased& Balanced, editedby AndrewSullivan,
    August28, 2014,,accessedSeptem-
    ber 9, 2014.

  4. Rousseau,A DiscourseOn a SubjectProposedBy the Academyof Dijon:WhatIs the Originof Inequality
    AmongMen,and Is It AuthorisedBy NaturalLaw?, 1754,republishedin Rousseau1923,Pt. 2, Para.21-22,
    accessedonlineWednesday,August24, 2011.T. Kealey 1996 U.S.paperback,312, broughtthis assessment
    of Rousseau’s to my attention.

  5. Rousseau,A Discourseon the MoralEffectsof the Artsand Sciences, 1761,republishedin Rousseau
    1923,Pt. 2, Para.1, accessedonlineWednesday,August24, 2011.T. Kealey 1996 U.S.paperback,312,
    broughtthis statementof Rousseau’s to my attention.

  6. T. Kealey1996,U.S.paperback,312-15.

  7. Jean-JacquesRousseau,“A Discourseon PoliticalEconomy,” para.43, 1755,
    5jfdld,accessedWednesday,August20, 2008,in Rousseau1923.

  8. A. H. Gottliebet al. 1998,7.

  9. PatrickHenry, W. W. Henry 1891 vol. 2, 192.I firstheardof this quotationfromJ. Appleby
    1996 3d ed., 184.

  10. PatrickHenry,addressdeliveredin St. John’s Churchin Richmond,Virginia,on March23, 1775,
    republishedon the websiteof the Universityof OklahomaCollegeof Lawat
    ushistory/henry.shtml,accessedFriday,June15, 2007.Sadly,not evenPatrickHenrywasfullyconsistent
    in his philosophy.He supportedspoliationinasmuchas he actuallyadvocatedthatpeoplebe taxed,and
    thattheirtax moneybe usedin the disseminationof Christianteachings.Fortunately,ThomasJefferson
    and JamesMadisonopposedhim on this.For informationon this matter,see J. Meacham2006,85.

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