48 Chapter 2
- Dewar2004,26. ThatJohnD. RockefellerII financedDavenportis furtherconfirmedin L. Thomp-
son 1994,60. - Spiro2009.
- J. Marks2002,120.
- Spiro2009,353.
- Lombardo2008,10, 47–48.
- Spiro2009,211.
- G. Robinson2001,30.
- Zubrin2012,52, 60.
- For this referenceto Fordby name,see A. Hitler2001,paperback,639.
- J. Greenberg1990,85.
- M. Parenti2004,118.
- ThatCarnegiepaidfor the foundingof CharlesDavenport’s eugenicslaboratoryis in M. Ridley
1999,289. - Black2003,56.
- Hofstadter1959,45, 49.
- Carnegie1901,4, accessedonlineWednesday,June6, 2007.
- Bannister1988,77, 76.
- Hofstadter1959,45.
- Carnegie1986,327, 326.
- Black2003,87, 57.
- Spiro2009,127.
- Kevles1985,54; and Spiro2009,127.
- Kevles1985,54.
- “PittsburghPirate,”The Economist, January30, 2003,http://www.economist.com/node/1559629,ac-
cessedSaturday,November5, 2011. - P. Krass2002,112-13,551 n. 2.
- Bothof thesebooksare online,in theirentirety,in theOnlineLibraryof Liberty. Youcan run a
keywordsearchfor bothof them. - RobertC. Bannister,personalcommunicationswithauthorovere-mail,July30, 2013.
- D. Wiltshire1978,197.
- S. LeDrew2013,33. Thissourcealsocitespage81 of the 1965AlbertJay Nock-editededitionofThe
ManVersusthe Stateas the sourceof the quotation. - Bannister1988,83, 86.
- Carnegie,qtd. by Kolko1963,173.
- Carnegie1901,6–23, 15, 18–19, accessedonlineWednesday,June6, 2007.Interestinglyenough,
whileCarnegiedid not get this argumentfromSpencer,Carnegie’s entirephilosophiccase—thata rich
mandoesnot trulyownhis ownfortune,but shouldstill be allowedto retaincustodyof it as a “public
trustee” whomanagesit for the socialcollective—is identicalto an argumentlaidout by Spencer’s
ideologicaladversary,socialistFrenchphilosopherAugusteComtein Comte,Système de PolitiquePositive
vol. 1:A GeneralViewof Positivism, ch. 6: “TheReligionof Humanity,” originallypublished1851–54, in
Comte1983b,386–88; and Comte,Système de PolitiquePositivevol. 2:SocialStatics,or the AbstractTheoryof
HumanOrder, ch. 5, originallypublished1851–54, in Comte1983c,427. - J. L. Outmanand Outman2003b,15.
- S. Watts2005,189.
- H. Barnard2002,77, quotingfromthe author’s interviewwithMadeleineYawnée Couzens.
- Hitler2001,434–35. A muchlessviolentmanalsoadvocatedthiseconomictheory.Thatwas
MohandasK. Gandhiin Gandhi,Harijan, June3, 1939,p. 145,republishedin Gandhi1960,ch. 2; and
Gandhi,Harijan, March31, 1946,pp. 63–64, republishedin Gandhi1960,Ch. 2, accessedonlineTuesday,
March11, 2008.RecallfromBookOnethatGandhinoticedthatthe governmentwasviolent,and he said
he wantedto do withviolence.Gandhi’s call for governmentcontroloverpeople’s wealthcontradictshis
putativepacifism. - JamesT. Adams1931,383.
- CalvinCoolidge,articlefor theSundayAdvertiserand American, September1, 1918,in C. Coolidge
1919h,133. - Carnegie1901,11, 27–28, accessedonlineWednesday,June6, 2007.
- Qtd.by Chernow1998,314.
101.Qtd.by Chernow1998,313–14.
102.Spiro2009,388, 58, 61.
103.A. Lee 1980,15.
104.S. Watts2005,379–382.
105.N. Baldwin2001,106.Ibid., 89, notesthat Jay Gouldwas actuallya Presbyterian.
106.R. Lacey1986,219.