Hunting Down Social Darwinism Will This Canard Go Extinct

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

48 Chapter 2

  1. Dewar2004,26. ThatJohnD. RockefellerII financedDavenportis furtherconfirmedin L. Thomp-
    son 1994,60.

  2. Spiro2009.

  3. J. Marks2002,120.

  4. Spiro2009,353.

  5. Lombardo2008,10, 47–48.

  6. Spiro2009,211.

  7. G. Robinson2001,30.

  8. Zubrin2012,52, 60.

  9. For this referenceto Fordby name,see A. Hitler2001,paperback,639.

  10. J. Greenberg1990,85.

  11. M. Parenti2004,118.

  12. ThatCarnegiepaidfor the foundingof CharlesDavenport’s eugenicslaboratoryis in M. Ridley

  13. Black2003,56.

  14. Hofstadter1959,45, 49.

  15. Carnegie1901,4, accessedonlineWednesday,June6, 2007.

  16. Bannister1988,77, 76.

  17. Hofstadter1959,45.

  18. Carnegie1986,327, 326.

  19. Black2003,87, 57.

  20. Spiro2009,127.

  21. Kevles1985,54; and Spiro2009,127.

  22. Kevles1985,54.

  23. “PittsburghPirate,”The Economist, January30, 2003,,ac-
    cessedSaturday,November5, 2011.

  24. P. Krass2002,112-13,551 n. 2.

  25. Bothof thesebooksare online,in theirentirety,in theOnlineLibraryof Liberty. Youcan run a
    keywordsearchfor bothof them.

  26. RobertC. Bannister,personalcommunicationswithauthorovere-mail,July30, 2013.

  27. D. Wiltshire1978,197.

  28. S. LeDrew2013,33. Thissourcealsocitespage81 of the 1965AlbertJay Nock-editededitionofThe
    ManVersusthe Stateas the sourceof the quotation.

  29. Bannister1988,83, 86.

  30. Carnegie,qtd. by Kolko1963,173.

  31. Carnegie1901,6–23, 15, 18–19, accessedonlineWednesday,June6, 2007.Interestinglyenough,
    whileCarnegiedid not get this argumentfromSpencer,Carnegie’s entirephilosophiccase—thata rich
    mandoesnot trulyownhis ownfortune,but shouldstill be allowedto retaincustodyof it as a “public
    trustee” whomanagesit for the socialcollective—is identicalto an argumentlaidout by Spencer’s
    ideologicaladversary,socialistFrenchphilosopherAugusteComtein Comte,Système de PolitiquePositive
    vol. 1:A GeneralViewof Positivism, ch. 6: “TheReligionof Humanity,” originallypublished1851–54, in
    Comte1983b,386–88; and Comte,Système de PolitiquePositivevol. 2:SocialStatics,or the AbstractTheoryof
    HumanOrder, ch. 5, originallypublished1851–54, in Comte1983c,427.

  32. J. L. Outmanand Outman2003b,15.

  33. S. Watts2005,189.

  34. H. Barnard2002,77, quotingfromthe author’s interviewwithMadeleineYawnée Couzens.

  35. Hitler2001,434–35. A muchlessviolentmanalsoadvocatedthiseconomictheory.Thatwas
    MohandasK. Gandhiin Gandhi,Harijan, June3, 1939,p. 145,republishedin Gandhi1960,ch. 2; and
    Gandhi,Harijan, March31, 1946,pp. 63–64, republishedin Gandhi1960,Ch. 2, accessedonlineTuesday,
    March11, 2008.RecallfromBookOnethatGandhinoticedthatthe governmentwasviolent,and he said
    he wantedto do withviolence.Gandhi’s call for governmentcontroloverpeople’s wealthcontradictshis

  36. JamesT. Adams1931,383.

  37. CalvinCoolidge,articlefor theSundayAdvertiserand American, September1, 1918,in C. Coolidge

  38. Carnegie1901,11, 27–28, accessedonlineWednesday,June6, 2007.

  39. Chernow1998,314.
    100.Chernow1998,313–14. Chernow1998,313–14.
    102.Spiro2009,388, 58, 61.
    103.A. Lee 1980,15.
    104.S. Watts2005,379–382.
    105.N. Baldwin2001,106.Ibid., 89, notesthat Jay Gouldwas actuallya Presbyterian.
    106.R. Lacey1986,219.

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