Jewish Philosophical Politics in Germany, 1789-1848

(Amelia) #1

314 } Notes to Chapter 3

illuminates the culture clash that ensued when the Berlin Verein tried, via Wohlwill, to send,
in Briegelb’s subheading, “Hegel nach Hamburg!” (“‘Jeder Reiche ist ein Judas Ischariot!’”
and Bei den Wassern Babels, 31 – 47 ). On the Hamburg Temple, see Michael Meyer, Response
to Modernity, 53 – 61.
129. Briegleb, Bei den Wassern Babels, 36.
130. MW, 3 ; AF, 286. The Schlachterstrasse was the location of the Hamburg Reform
131. MW, 16 ; AF, 289.
132. WM, 17 ; AF, 289.
133. WM, 16 ; AF, 289.
134. WM, 20 ; AF, 292. In the sentence beginning “The Weltgeist,” I take sagen in the
typescript to be a typographical error for sorgen.
135. WM, 21 ; AF 292.
136. WM, 96.
137. Ibid., 27. Wohlwill had voiced a similar complaint in a letter of April 13 (ibid., 11 ).
138. Ibid. 29.
139. Ibid.
140. Ibid., 23.
141. Ibid., 32.
142. Ibid., 33.
143. Ibid.
144. Ibid., 36.
145. Ibid., 37.
146. Ibid., 38.
147. Ibid.
148. Ibid., 37 – 38.
149. In a frequently cited passage from a letter to Moser of May 23 , 1823 , Heine describes
a related experience of trying to awaken as an individual from Hegelian dreams—or, in
this case, a Hegelian nightmare. Heine relates a nightmare in which Moser, much as he admon-
ishes Wohlwill to subordinate his subjectivity to a Hegelian conception of universal spirit, tells
Heine not to take his subjective feelings too seriously since he is, after all, only a Hegelian idea.
In the dream Moser, Gans, and Marcus marshal Hegelian support for their position, but Heine
rages against the terrifying loss of subjective integrity it implies (Säkularausgabe, 20 : 86 ).
150. WM, 41 ; AF, 293.
151. WM, 41 ; AF, 294.
152. WM, 41 ; AF, 294.
153. WM, 45.
154. Ibid.
155. Ibid., 49.
156. Ibid.
157. For example, Moser’s tongue-in-cheek mythology of Wolf/Wolwill’s existence—a
comical Lebenslauf of a Jewish Hegelian—in his letter of May 1825 (dated Berlin, the 40 th
Omer 5585 ) (ibid., 67 – 70 ): “An old passport says that this mystical being was circumcised
in Herzgerode under the name Immanuel Wolf; then I recall frequently having seen him as
a pupil [Klosterschüler] in the little living room of List’s [residence] at Burgstrasse 25 ; and

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