Jewish Philosophical Politics in Germany, 1789-1848

(Amelia) #1

350 } Notes to Concluding Remarks

  1. See Hess’s letter to Auerbach of November 25 , 1862 in Hess, Briefwechsel, 417 – 18 ,
    and Rome and Jerusalem, 58. On the exchange between Hess and Auerbach about Hess’s
    Rome and Jerusalem, see also Silberner, Moses Hess, 388 – 89.

Concluding Remarks

  1. See Werner Mosse, “The Revolution of 1848 .”

  2. On the debates about the place of Jews in the German nation as it was being defined by
    the Frankfurt parliamentarians, see Brian Vick, Defining Germany, chapter 3.

  3. See Jacob Toury, “Die Revolution von 1848 als innerjüdischer Wendepunkt.”

  4. See Jacob Toury, “‘Deutsche Juden’ im Vormärz,” 82 ; Reinhard Rürup, “The Euro-
    pean Revolutions of 1848 and Jewish Emancipation,” 30 – 31.

  5. Hess, RJ 217. See also ibid., 218 – 22.

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