Jewish Philosophical Politics in Germany, 1789-1848

(Amelia) #1
Index { 3 73

Du Bois, W. E. B., 205
Dühring, Eugen, 149

Echtermeyer, Theodor, 211 , 337 n 72
Eichhorn, Johann Albrecht Friedrich von,
Eisenmenger, Andreas: Entdecktes Juden-
thum, 20 , 327 n 32
Eleatics, 96 – 97
Engels, Friedrich, 148 , 169 – 70 , 189 , 241 , 242
Eos, 206 – 7 , 334 n 28
Etwas zur Charackteristick der Juden
(Bendavid), 6 , 14 – 15 , 17 , 18 , 34 ; on
Jewish character, 24 , 25 – 27 ; on Jewish
self-transformation, 8 , 35 – 36 ; Kantian
framework of, 15 , 19 , 28 – 29
Euchel, Isaak, 28
Europa, 202 , 203 , 213 – 17

Fackenheim, Emil, 310 n 101
family, 307 n 69 ; Gans on, 111 – 12 , 114 , 115 ;
Hegel on, 110 – 11
Ferstenberg, Helen, 334 n 41
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 2 ; and abstraction, 146 ,
156 , 316 n 1 ; on Descartes, 259 – 60 , 346 n 63 ;
on Hegel, 260 , 318 n 21 , 346 – 47 n 63 ,
347 n 64 ; Hess and, 244 , 249 , 259 , 260 – 61 ;
on Jews and Judaism, 5 , 176 , 195 ,
324 – 25 n 110 ; Marx critique of, 198 – 99 ;
Marx influenced by, 150 – 51 , 180 – 81 , 244 ,
259 , 316 n 4 , 318 n 21 , 326 n 124 ; on modern
philosophy, 259 – 60 , 347 n 68 ; Ruge and,
211 – 12 ; on thinking and being, 259 ,
347 n 65 ; works: The Essence of Chris-
tianity, 150 , 176 , 195 , 198 , 206 , 249 ,
316 n 1 ; Principles of the Philosophy of the
Future, 259 , 260 , 316 n 1 , 318 n 21 , 346 n 63 ;
“Provisional Theses for the Reforma-
tion of Philosophy,” 259 , 316 n 1 , 318 n 21 ,
346 n 63 , 347 n 64 , 347 n 68
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 19 , 306 n 66 ,
346 n 62 ; and antisemitism, 3 , 29 , 278 n 3 ;
decapitation metaphor of, 8 , 15 , 39 ,
283 n 50 , 324 n 109 ; and French Revolution,
30 , 282 n 48 ; on Jews, 8 , 14 , 15 , 38 , 39 ,

40 , 284 n 67 , 285 n 72 ; nationalism of, 15 ,
278 n 3 ; Ruge on, 212 , 337 n 74 ; on state,
33 – 34 , 284 n 65 , 284 n 68 ; works: Beitrag
zur Berichtigung der Urteile des Publikums
über die französische Revolution, 15 ,
33 – 34 , 278 n 1 , 278 n 3 , 282 n 48
Fischer, Lars, 292 n 38 , 317 n 17
Foa, Eugénie, 340 n 136
Fontenay, Elisabeth de, 148 , 317 n 14
Forbes, Duncan, 295 – 96 n 85
Formstecher, Solomon, 46
Förster, Friedrich, 64 , 65 – 66 , 295 n 78
Foucault, Michel, 20 – 21
Fourier, Charles, 348 n 80
France: 1830 Revolution, 144 , 325 n 115
Franco, Paul, 75 , 76 , 287 – 88 n 6
Frankel, Zacharias, 289 n 14
Frankfurter, Naphtali, 219 , 338 n 93
freedom, 117 , 207 , 237 ; Bauer on, 171 ,
323 n 96 ; Hess on, 255 – 58 , 347 n 79 ;
Kant on, 2 , 40 – 41 , 281 n 32 ; Marx on, 164
Freiligrath, Ferdinand, 242 , 343 n 7 ;
Gedichte, 214 – 15
French Revolution ( 1789 ), 2 , 8 , 30 , 265 ,
282 n 48 ; Bauer on 175 ; civil equality
to Jews granted by, 17 ; Fichte on, 39 ,
282 n 48 ; Hess on 265 ; 328 n 142 ; 329 n 154 ;
Marx on, 159 , 189
Freud, Sigmund, 123 , 311 n 109
Freytag, Gustav, 242 , 342 n 3
Friedländer, David, 42 , 43 , 57 , 286 n 82
Friedrich Wilhelm II, 286 n 77
Friedrich Wilhelm III, 36 , 45 , 59 , 147
Friedrich Wilhelm IV, 147 , 157 , 163 , 236
Fries, Jakob Friedrich, 44 , 116 , 287 n 2 ;
Hegel on, 53 , 78 , 292 n 38

Gallerie der ausgezeichnetsten Israeliten
aller Jahrhunderte, 202 – 3 , 218 , 219 ,
338 n 94
Gans, Eduard, 105 – 29 , 305 – 13 ; academic
appointment sought by, 45 , 105 – 6 , 116 ,
305 – 6 n 54 ; on consciousness, 125 , 126 ,
312 n 114 ; conversion to Christianity
b y, 43 , 106 ; on ethics, 114 – 15 , 287 n 2 ;
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