Jewish Philosophical Politics in Germany, 1789-1848

(Amelia) #1

376 } Index

Immermann, Karl: Die Epigonen, 214
individuality: Hess on, 256 , 262 – 65 , 266 ,
270 , 347 – 48 nn 79 – 80 , 348 n 86 ; Spinoza
on, 261 , 262 , 344 – 45 n 32
Itzig, Daniel, 42

Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, 78 , 95
Jahrbücher für Wissenschaftliche Kritik, 55
Jewish assimilation, 12 , 15 ; Gans on, 118 – 19 ,
120 ; Hegel on, 76 , 298 n 112
Jewish conversion, 62 , 82 , 131 , 167 , 286 n 82 ,
219 ; Auerbach on: 219 , 220 ; Bendavid
on, 42 , 286 n 77 ; by Gans, 43 , 106 , 143 ,
144 , 307 n 66 ; Heine and, 43 , 206 ; Kant
on, 285 – 86 n 77 ; Moser on, 79 , 80 ,
140 – 41 , 142 – 43
Jewish egoism, 2 , 5 – 6 , 11 ; Auerbach on,
206 , 209 , 335 n 48 ; Bauer on, 325 n 115 ;
Bendavid on, 26 ; Feuerbach on, 176 ,
324 – 25 n 110 ; Heine and, 206 – 13 ; Marx
on, 10 , 148 , 186 – 87
Jewish emancipation, 17 , 48 , 272 ; Austrian
legislation on, 17 , 34 , 56 – 57 , 278 – 79 n 5 ;
Hegel on, 76 , 292 n 38 ; Marx on, 147 , 180 ,
183 – 85 , 325 – 26 n 119 ; Prussian edict on,
17 , 44 – 45 , 279 n 10
Jewish history: Bendavid on, 18 – 19 , 25 , 27 ,
41 , 280 n 29 ; “lachrymose” theory of, 16 ,
17 , 19 , 278 n 4 ; politicization of, 16 – 19 ;
Wolf on, 101 , 304 n 40
Joseph II, 17 , 34 , 36 , 56 – 57 , 279 – 79 n 5
Jost, Isaak Markus, 42 ; and Verein, 47 ,
61 – 62 , 289 n 14 , 294 n 67 , 294 n 70

Kahn, Lothar, 334 n 41
Kant, Immanuel, 2 ; Bendavid and, 6 ,
8 – 9 , 12 , 16 , 19 , 28 – 29 , 41 , 281 – 82 n 40 ,
282 n 45 ; dualism of, 12 , 31 , 41 ; on
freedom, 40 – 41 , 281 n 32 ; Jewish appro-
priation of, 27 – 28 , 282 n 42 ; on Jews and
Judaism, 3 , 281 n 32 , 283 n 55 , 285 – 86 n 77 ;
and morality, 31 , 36 , 282 n 50 , 306 n 66 ;
and subjectivity, 2 , 27 – 33 , 36 , 283 n 52 ;
universalism of, 32 , 36 , 60 , 282 – 82 n 50 ;
Willkür and Nötigung concepts of,

31 – 33 , 37 ; works: Critique of Practical
Reason, 31 – 32 , 278 n 1 ; Critique of Pure
Reason, 2 , 30 – 31 ; Groundwork of the
Metaphysics of Morals, 31 – 32 , 278 n 1 ; Reli-
gion within the Boundaries of Mere Rea-
son, 29 , 283 n 55 ; Streit der Fakultäten,
285 – 86 n 77
Katz, Jacob, 226
Koltun-Fromm, Ken, 344 n 26
Kompert, Leopold, 229 , 233
Kotzebue, August von, 44
Kristeva, Julia, 195
Krochmal, Nachman, 46
Kuh, Ephraim Moses, 202 , 225 – 26 , 334 n 41
Künzli, Arnold, 148

Lang, Peter, 282 n 50
Laube, Heinrich, 342 n 3 ; Reisenovellen, 216
La Vopa, Anthony, 285 n 72
Leo, Heinrich, 64
Leopold, David, 171 , 323 n 97
Lepenies, Wolf, 20
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 334 – 35 n 41
Lessmann, Daniel, 142
Lewald, August, 202
Lex Gans, 45 , 64 , 105 , 116
liberalism: Auerbach and, 233 , 234 , 238 , 240 ,
241 ; Hegel and, 46 , 52 – 53 , 287 – 88 n 6 ;
Marx on, 10 ; Ruge on, 319 n 48
Liesching, Samuel Gottlieb, 335 n 43
List, Joel Abraham, 305 n 50
Livné-Freudenthal, Rachel, 47 , 290 n 16 ,
294 n 66 , 310 nn 101 – 2
Lloyd, Genevieve, 261 , 262 , 344 – 45 n 32 ,
347 n 79
Luther, Martin, 20
Lutz, Rolland, 316 n 1

Mack, Michael, 3 ; German Idealism and the
Jew, 12
Maimon, Salomon, 4 , 21 , 22 , 29 , 306 n 66
Marcus, Ludwig, 43 , 50 – 51 , 55
Margaritha, Antonius, 19 , 280 n 14
Marggraff, Herman, 210
Marheineke, Philipp Konrad, 144
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