Asia Looks Seaward

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week. Each training sortie for fighter and attack aircraft also averages around 45
minutes.’’^196 Integrating operations between highly regimented, rigidly
structured PLAAF units and immature, sea-based PLAN units would require
technical and service-culture innovations, as well as exercises that are less
carefully scripted than has been the case in recent years, to develop the requisite
interoperability and interservice coordination. Significant additional research is
required to gauge how much coordination exists among PLAN land-based naval
air and surface/subsurface assets. Thisisallthemorecritical,asthetypeand
degree of coordination will necessarily vary depending on the maritime mission
assigned. China’s development and procurement of increasingly advanced
aircraft will not automatically solve the lack of practical experience with these
platforms. Indeed, as China’s experience has demonstrated, mastering them will
involve the loss of expensive aircraft and hard-to-replace pilots.

PLAN Doctrine

China’s military lexicon contains no term for ‘‘doctrine.’’ Depending on the
operational level of conflict referenced, it is more appropriate to refer to strategy,
campaigns, and tactics.^197 At the strategic level, the PLAN receives guidance
analogous to that of the other PLA service branches. The ‘‘National Military
Strategic Guidelines for the New Period’’offers the ‘‘highest level of strategic
guidance for all PLA military operations during war and preparation for war
during peacetime.’’ The most likely scenario Beijing expects to face is ‘‘local wars
under modern high-tech conditions.’’ As articulated in the Guidelines, the
concept of ‘‘active defense’’ instructs the PLA to prepare to undertake a variety
of sophisticated offensive measures simultaneously, targeting enemy weaknesses
within this larger strategic context. Doctrine has evolved rapidly to address new
challenges: the PLAN ‘‘has published an entirely new set of revised guidance
documents since the end of the 9th Five-Year Plan (1996–2000).’’ Since the
beginning of this decade, the PLA has sought to implement this guidance through
its ‘‘Two Transformations’’ program, using informatization and mechanization to
transform itself from a personnel-intensive into a technology-intensive force.^198
It is only at the tactical level, and to some extent at the campaign level, that
the PLAN possesses a ‘‘doctrine’’ distinguishable from larger PLA thinking.
The PLAN’s strategic guidance is currently conveyed by eight Chinese characters
that together mean ‘‘active defense, offshore operations.’’ The former ‘‘four charac-
ters’’ apply more generally to all PLA service branches, informing military strategy
and military-strategic guidelines. The latter ‘‘four characters’’ refer to the PLAN’s
area of responsibility.^199
The major generals who edited the PLA’s first English-language volume
on strategy offer a naval context for China’s preparations to fight and win local
wars under modern high-tech conditions. They foresee possible threats to

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