Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1

  1. Gao Erjian and others, ‘‘A Certain East Sea Fleet Sea Mine Warehouse Has a Foothold
    in Actual Combat: Training in All Weather Field [with] Independent Safeguards,’’People’s
    Navy,October 8, 2005, 1.

  2. Kondapalli,China’s Naval Power,141.

  3. ‘‘Outstanding XO Exercise Improves Complex Training Quality: Some North Sea
    Fleet Frigates Let XOs Lead Training ‘Big Bridge,’’’People’s Navy,February 23, 2002, 2.

  4. Du Xier and others, ‘‘Passing Through ‘Deadly Seas,’’’People’s Navy,January 25,
    2005, 2.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Information in this paragraph derives from Cao Ming and others, ‘‘Following South
    China Sea Fleet Unit ‘809’ Ship Sweeping Mines at Sea,’’Modern Navy4 (2003): 18–19.

  7. The last three sentences derive from Cao Ming and others, ‘‘Ship 809: Clearing the
    Way for the Battlefield,’’People’s Navy,February 22, 2003, 1–2.

  8. ‘‘On the Scene in the East China Sea: A Joint Military-Civilian Mine Sweeping
    Exercise,’’Naval & Merchant Ships,January 4, 2001, 5–6.

  9. Unless otherwise specified, information for this paragraph derived from Zha
    Chunming and others, ‘‘An On-the-Spot Report of a People’s Militia Sea Drill at a Certain
    Navy Base,’’Naval & Merchant Ships3 (February 2005): 4.

  10. Niu Rong and others, ‘‘The Chinese Navy’s Type 918 Minelaying Ship,’’Naval &
    Merchant Ships7, no. 310 (2005): 11.

  11. ONI,Handbook,49–50.

  12. Gui and others, ‘‘Navy Airmen.’’

  13. He Yuemin and Xie Xi, ‘‘A Unit Organizes Sea-Air 3D Confrontational Exercise to
    Improve its Emergency Maneuvering Capability,’’PLA Daily,August 30, 2002, 1, OSC-

  14. ‘‘Air Force—China.’’

  15. ONI,Handbook,49.

  16. M. Taylor Fravel, ‘‘The Evolution of China’s Military Strategy: Comparing the 1987
    and 1999 Editions of Zhanlu ̈exue,’’ inChina’s Revolution in Doctrinal Affairs: Emerging Trends
    in the Operational Art of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army,ed. James Mulvenon and David
    Finkelstein (Alexandria, VA: CNA Corporation, 2005), 82.

  17. This paragraph derived from ONI,Handbook,24, 27.

  18. For quotation, see Liu,Memoirs of Liu Huaqing,434; for other data, see Shi Yun-
    sheng, ‘‘Introduction,’’ inChina Navy Encyclopedia,vol. 1 (Beijing: Sea Tide Press, 1998),
    16–31; Huang and others,Nuclear Submarines,16–19. Shi is a former PLA Navy commander

  19. Peng and Yao,The Science of Military Strategy,441.

  20. Ibid., 446.

  21. Ibid., 449.

  22. Ibid., 456–57.

  23. Ibid., 472.

  24. ONI,Handbook,33.

  25. Ibid., 24.

  26. Ibid., 26.

  27. Xu, ‘‘Maritime Geostrategy.’’

  28. Peng and Yao,The Science of Military Strategy,443.

  29. See Liu,Memoirs of Liu Huaqing,437.

198 Notes

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