Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1

  1. Indian Ministry of Defence, ‘‘Indian Armed Forces: Security Environment: An Over-
    view,’’ (accessed March 7, 2007).

  2. C. Raja Mohan, ‘‘India and the Balance of Power: Will the West Engage?’’Foreign
    Affairs,July/August 2006.

  3. Barry R. Posen and Andrew L. Ross, ‘‘Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy,’’
    International Security21, no. 3 (winter 1996/97): 5–53.

  4. James R. Holmes and Andrew C. Winner, ‘‘The United States, the Proliferation
    Security Initiative, and the U.S. Navy,’’U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings,May 2007.

  5. Stephen Philip Cohen,India: Emerging Power(Washington, DC: Brookings
    Institution Press, 2001), 36–65.

  6. Ibid., 39.

  7. Roy-Chaudhury,India’s Maritime Security,125.

  8. James Goldrick,No Easy Answers,Papers in Australian Maritime Affairs no. 2 (New
    Delhi: Lancer Publishers and Distributors, 1997), 19–20.

  9. C. Raja Mohan,Crossing the Rubicon: The Shaping of India’s New Foreign Policy(New
    York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003), 204–7.

  10. Goldrick’s book provides an excellent history of the emergence of the navies of India,
    Pakistan, and Sri Lanka and the challenges they have faced, both politically and in terms of

  11. Roy-Chaudhury,India’s Maritime Security,127.

  12. Sandeep Dikshit, ‘‘Defence Spending Moves Up,’’Hindu,January 3, 2007, http:// (accessed March 5, 2007).

  13. Rajat Pandit, ‘‘Quality of Russian Arms Worries India,’’Times of India,February 17,

  14. Timothy D. Hoyt,Military Industry and Regional Defence Policy: India, Iraq, and Israel
    (London: Routledge, 2007).

  15. ‘‘Panel to Consider Revamp of Premier Defence Research Body,’’Nerve, News of India,
    January 19, 2007, (accessed April 29, 2007).

  16. Draft Report of National Security Advisory Board on Indian Nuclear Doctrine, August
    17, 1999,
    (accessed January 12, 2006).

  17. Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, ‘‘India’s Nuclear Forces, 2005,’’Bulletin of
    the Atomic Scientists61, no. 5 (September/October 2005): 73–75.

  18. Indian Navy, Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence,Indian Maritime Doctrine,

  19. National Journal Group, ‘‘India Begins Developing Nuclear Missile Submarine Fleet,
    Former Naval Chief Discloses,’’ Global Security Newswire, January 29, 2007, http:// (accessed February 7, 2007).

  20. Norris and Kristensen, ‘‘India’s Nuclear Forces,’’ 73–75.

  21. Rahul Bedi, ‘‘Indian SSN Reactor Fully Online,’’Jane’s Defense Weekly,August 30,
    2006, 15.

  22. Roy-Chaudhury,India’s Maritime Security,141.

  23. Indiadefence, ‘‘Indian Navy Reveals Ambitious Expansion, Indigenization Pro-
    gramme,’’ May 9, 2006, (accessed August 18,

  24. ‘‘Submarine Forces,’’Jane’s Underwater Warfare Systems,September 19, 2005.

  25. Norris and Kristensen, ‘‘India’s Nuclear Forces,’’ 73–75.

Notes 203
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