Asia Looks Seaward

(ff) #1

Defense Program Outline, 157, 162;
need for theorist, 167–68; Ocean Peace
Keeping, 159; oil imports, 4; ongoing
cross-strait tensions, 162; opening of, 48,
49; piracy and, 28; post–Cold War era,
158–62; postwar maritime posture,
154–58; Proliferation Security Initiative,
160; quasi-Bahamian naval strategy of
Imperial, 152–54; and rapid naval mod-
ernization of China, 162; and rise of
China, 162–66, 167; Self-Defense
Forces, 159; September 11 terrorist
attacks effect on, 159–60; shipbuilding
capacity, 3; SLOCs, 13, 109, 110, 153,
155, 156, 157, 158; strategic oil stock-
piles, 202 n.34; support for war on ter-
ror, 160; theoretical and policy
implications for JMSDF, 166–68; and
trade, 66; transfer of German possessions
in China to, 189 n.14; transport vessels,
159, 160.See alsoGreat Britain, and
Japanese Coast Guard, 162
Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force
(JMSDF), 58, 92, 110, 113–14, 148,
156, 166–68
Java, 26, 27, 172
JDA (Japan Defense Agency), 155, 159,
Jiang Enzhu, 74–75
Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership,
Joint Declaration on the ASEAN-China
Strategic Partnership, 178
joint operations, 67
junk (Chinese ship), 24

Kaihara, Osamu, 156
kamikaze (divine wind), 2, 27
Kaneda, Hideaki, 165
Kantaro ̄, Suzuki, 152
Kelly, John, 48
Kennedy, Paul, 1
Kerr, Donald, 73
Kidd-class destroyers, 6
Kikujiro, Ishii, 53
Kilo-class Project 636M submarines, 75–76

Kitamura, Jun, 165–66
Koda, Yoji, 154
Koizumi, Junichiro, 160
Korean Peninsula, 155
Korean War, 154–55
Kuik Cheng-Chwee, 176, 178

LACMs (land-attack cruise missiles), 107,
landbound vs. seagoing society, 19
Laos, 179
Law of the Territorial Sea and Contiguous
Zone, 173, 184
Lebanon, 87, 131, 142
Lehman, John, 58, 59, 67
Lewis, John Wilson, 103, 108
liquefied natural gas, 171
Liu Huaqing, 91, 97, 101–2, 103
Liu Yijian, 71, 73
Lombok Strait, 61, 66, 172, 202 n.34
Luce, Stephen B., 50
Ludwig, Noel A., 179

Ma Lixin, 96–97
Mackinder, Halford, 18
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 8, 15, 68, 105; big
navy strategy, 55; five crucial geographic
points, 51; global trade as justification
for maritime strategy, 58; on sea power
as overbearing power, 163; sea-power
theory, 148–49; six attributes of mari-
time power, 7, 50–51; six principal con-
ditions affecting sea power, 153; three
pillars of sea power, 7, 148–49
Mahnken, Thomas G., 107
major non-NATO ally, 179–80
Malacca Strait, 62, 66, 112, 122, 130, 140,
143, 202 n.34
Malaysia, 172, 176, 180
Manchuria, 39, 42, 52, 53, 54, 153
Maples, Michael, 73
maritime domain, defining, 60–61
Maritime Safety Agency, 154
Maritime Self-Defense Force, 6, 13
maritime society, 20
Marmoru, Shigemitsu, 43
McCollum, Arthur H., 107

Index 217
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